Could this be the way forward?

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I have bought pretty much all the videos and have been trying very hard to get better at the golf swing. I got videoed and to my disgust found I was still flipping. I thought I had cured it but although I had a flat left wrist, I still managed to get around it by bending the elbow to flip with a bit a of chicken wing :( What we will do to conquer all the good stuff :eek:

I was particularly confused as my miss has always been a hook or pull hook. I only realized recently that I really am a work around slicer. I have had a lot more success with NSA but am pretty inconsistant.

Anyhow my question is this.

Today while practicing in my garden. I have found that if I make my hands stay where they are at the top of the backswing and push off and turn to the target. (Feels like I am turning inside out) The club comes down all by itself and my arms rotate naturally squaring the clubface and I have very forward leaning arms at impact, taking a pretty big forward divot without even thinking about it. From there I seem to be able to either vertical hinge on continue the arm rotation for a full roll.

This seemed almost magical. Really good centre face ball contact on most of the shots. It also worked on short chip shots.

This was with a 60 deg wedge though. I am really not sure if this can be used with longer clubs, woods in particular.

I am playing tomorrow and can't get to the range first, so............

Am I on the right track? I have a feeling my replies will come as either a resounding yes or the opposite a resounding NO;)

I appreciate your help.
Thanks Brian,

I haven't worked it much with the woods yet, need to get out to the range but it wasn't feeling right. Is that too much shaft lean for the longer clubs?

By the way I reached a big milestone yesterday. I finally broke 90. I am so happy right now :) The diff was in the putting, my long game is usually pretty decent.
I just wanted to say thanks Brian. :D

I am pretty sure I left my hands at the top and tilt/swivelled but half way down I still had a very open face so I would then flip it to close it. Your NSA video explained that to me for a real ahh haa moment. What I think feels really different is now I am allowing a left arm rotation from the top, all the way to finish. Makes everything feel inside out, and easy.

You may have finally cured my flip ;) :cool:
i was under the impression that you want to get your arms to drop quickly or first. am i reading this correctly that you want them a bit more 'delayed' at the top while you start your move? thanks
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