D-Plane and Trackman basics

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Brian Manzella

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Even though I'm now 60, I live about 1 mile from a club that is installing a Trackman at their practice facility.
I happened to played with their pro about 1 month ago and made sure I worked out a way to be able to access this.
I just need to make sure what my goals - numbers wise - need to be.
I enjoyed the video. I can't imagine why anyone would avoid this technology. It can help everyone, but the better players especially. You can't see this stuff with video.

Brian Manzella

You can't see this stuff with video.

Not even close.

But, I guess, if you are teaching something that produces numbers you don't want your students to see, or maybe the teacher doesn't want to see, or maybe the teacher doesn't know how to change, or maybe the teacher is making money selling what they are selling, or they just don't want to change....

I used the D-Plane the best I could before TrackMan. But I was stone cold guessing.

Am I correct that Tman does not give a reading called "resultant path"?


The number is called "Club Path."

But "Resultant Path" is a better more distributive term coined by Mike Finney.
I never get tired of d-plane discussions. Do the unconsciously competent teachers on this forum (now consciously competent as well!) have any ideas as to what to look for with the naked eye? I understand that the eye ball is to Trackman, what the x-ray is to the MRI, but what can an astute observer make out with the ol' peepers? If it is just a matter of ball flight, then never mind!
If you understood the D-Plane COMPLETELY (few still do), you could pretty closely estimate the major number from watching ball flight, but only if you knew where on the Face each shot was being contacted. Non-centered contact has a major influence on initial launch and spin axis.

Still unconsciously competent teachers are still competent teachers...but I think everybody can be better with more accurate information.


Faldo on this week's Academy show on irons, says he like to setup "like impact" with open legs, shoulders and knees OPEN. He never once of course mentioned aiming left or swinging left. But he of course "knew" how to hit straight and that some parts of his body had to be leftish to get the path left enough. He mentioned grip pressure, and too tight the ball would be pulled....so when he "loosened" it up, it allowed the face to go back to facing the target.

In the future, we'll get more direct statements, but reading between the lines, as above, you can see what is meant. Trouble for me was for 10 years or more I'd listen to them say "line everyting up at the target" and not quite notice all these "slight adjustments" ...which were being done for reasons which the speaker didn't clearly consciously KNOW or communicate.
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Beyond the D-Plane......:eek:

Scientists at the CERN laboratory doing experiments with the Large Hadron Collider searching for the Higg's Boson particle, aka the "God" particle, have discovered an new D-plane dimension for golf club-ball impact. This new discovery will revolutionize the game of golf and propel it into the Cosmos. Here is one of their discoveries so crack open yer physics textbooks and swing away:


I think they will be calling it the "G-Spot" ....:eek:
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Beyond the D-Plane......:eek:

Scientists at the CERN laboratory doing experiments with the Large Hadron Collider searching for the Higg's Boson particle, aka the "God" particle, have discovered an new D-plane dimension for golf club-ball impact. This new discovery will revolutionize the game of golf and propel it into the Cosmos. Here is one of their discoveries so crack open yer physics textbooks and swing away:
I think they will be calling it the "G-Spot" ....:eek:

Great. I have trouble keeping my drives in the same zip-code; now I've gotta worry about keeping them in the same universe...And just as I was starting to improve....
The future's bright, the future's ORANGE!

Hey Stevey, with this new particle will the ball travel faster than light speed?


I don't know why that was so funny to me but I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after watching that.


Beyond the D-Plane......:eek:

Scientists at the CERN laboratory doing experiments with the Large Hadron Collider searching for the Higg's Boson particle, aka the "God" particle, have discovered an new D-plane dimension for golf club-ball impact. This new discovery will revolutionize the game of golf and propel it into the Cosmos. Here is one of their discoveries so crack open yer physics textbooks and swing away:


I think they will be calling it the "G-Spot" ....:eek:

The "G" spot is a myth........:p
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