I'm still struggling with A,B,C,D and E...The "G" spot is a myth........
I'm still struggling with A,B,C,D and E...The "G" spot is a myth........
...And F!...Struggled to find that even on the keyboard!I'm still struggling with A,B,C,D and E...
I don't care. I am the point where just lie to me. Makes me feel better.
I LOVE TrackMan........but.......regarding the "calculated" clubface..................the machine sees the horizontal Path of the clubhead......and the horizontal launch direction of the ball flight.........now if the ball ALWAYS launched at a predictable percentage of the difference between face and path.....well then that would be easy..............But it doesn't. The ball launches bewteen 65% to 95% of the difference, favoring the face. Spinloft affects that percentage......more spinloft...launch is further from face.......OK, I'm sure the collision model takes that into account. But what about friction? More friction....again...ball launches further from face.....little friction....like flyer.............ball launches closer to face.....Now in the most honest and sincerest tone........how can the machine account for varying degrees of friction? Look, I know the TM collision model is the best in the business....but to say that its "spot on" under all conditions? Hmmmmmm. I suppose the friction is fairly consistent when hitting from an artificial surface (mat). But there still are the factors of ball cover material....grooves...Not trying to start a fight...just honet questions.
You need to buy the AS2 video.
Tuxen explains it all, Dr. Zick talks about friction 'til you'll never mention it again.
No discounts.
I've been editing the AS2 video all week, and trust me, it is worth $100 just to hear Tuxen's talk.
Nesbit — priceless.
Wood — super solid real info.
Start work on Neal and Zick tomorrow!
Did you present the scientific panel with my six(6) forum questions?
I think you will have to buy the video to get an answer Steve. Giving non-attendees an opportunity to ask questions was a clever video marketing scheme by the Manzella/Jacobs combine (joking).
BTW a riddle: Why are engineers lazy?
Six questions was a little over the top don't you think? Besides I thought you knew all the answers already.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/33701338?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="700" height="394" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
So, upshot is that the great benefit of TM is the accurate measurement of the resultant path?
(And from the "step into my office thread - I guess AoA is a close second)
But face angle, not so much...?
Is that a fair summary?
Trackman is great. I wish they would come out with something more affordable. $18,000 is a little much for a golf pro who doesn't teach full time.