DC VIP School

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It's today! Can't wait. I hope to post some info, or a recap, tonight. I might sneak in a picture or three!



Day One!!


We started out by hitting balls at the range. Brian took video and then each student hit a six iron and driver.

Kevin Shields manned the Trackman and after each student was filmed we went into the clubhouse and used a room adjacent to the bar that was very large, quiet and comfortable. On a 40" flatscreen TV, Brian reviewed each swing from the various views and Kevin provided him with the Trackman data. From here, he (and the other three instructors - Damon, Kevin, and John) picked apart the swings.

This is a very interesting approach and Brian did the same thing with Tom Bartlett a few years back at Orange County National. Brian didn't have access to Trackman back then, but the video analysis set the teaching agenda. The instructors and students knew what to work on and why.

After the video conference, we went back outside and hit ball after ball after ball. In my case, we worked on developing a fade for the irons and Kevin Shields wants more downcocking (essentially a more dynamic swing with no early wrist cock and/or no pop out).

The 2-1 student ratio is really something else. Maybe only a few minutes goes by before a fresh set of eyes is examining your swing.

After the lessons we went back inside for dinner. Brian and Kevin told story after story. For those that haven't had lessons from Brian or haven't attended his schools, this guy can spin a tale like no one else. There's always a punchline and you hang on Brian's every word.

I can already say that the school is a raging success. Thanks so much to Brian, Kevin, John, and our host - Damon Lucas. We were treated very well today to say the least. Lake Presidential is a beautiful facility.

Tomorrow we have a brief short game lesson, more full swing instruction, and then 18 holes at one of the premier courses in Maryland. Should be fun!

We started out by hitting balls at the range. Brian took video and then each student hit a six iron and driver.

Kevin Shields manned the Trackman and after each student was filmed we went into the clubhouse and used a room adjacent to the bar that was very large, quiet and comfortable. On a 40" flatscreen TV, Brian reviewed each swing from the various views and Kevin provided him with the Trackman data. From here, he (and the other three instructors - Damon, Kevin, and John) picked apart the swings.

This is a very interesting approach and Brian did the same thing with Tom Bartlett a few years back at Orange County National. Brian didn't have access to Trackman back then, but the video analysis set the teaching agenda. The instructors and students knew what to work on and why.

After the video conference, we went back outside and hit ball after ball after ball. In my case, we worked on developing a fade for the irons and Kevin Shields wants more downcocking (essentially a more dynamic swing with no early wrist cock and/or no pop out).

The 2-1 student ratio is really something else. Maybe only a few minutes goes by before a fresh set of eyes is examining your swing.

After the lessons we went back inside for dinner. Brian and Kevin told story after story. For those that haven't had lessons from Brian or haven't attended his schools, this guy can spin a tale like no one else. There's always a punchline and you hang on Brian's every word.

I can already say that the school is a raging success. Thanks so much to Brian, Kevin, John, and our host - Damon Lucas. We were treated very well today to say the least. Lake Presidential is a beautiful facility.

Tomorrow we have a brief short game lesson, more full swing instruction, and then 18 holes at one of the premier courses in Maryland. Should be fun!

There was only 1 complaint from the whole school... It was 105* on Sunday! lol


The hottest day by FAR this year and the hottest I can remember in the longest time. I've only been in MD for 2.5 years, but it was insanely hot on Sunday.
I second the notion about the heat. It was misery out there today. Presidential Lakes is a beautiful facility, tough golf course with a premium on accurate driving, but is impossible to walk. Damon and staff took great care of us.

It was great having four different sets of eyes watch while you were hitting and helping you with the game. They were all on the same mind-set of what needed to be accomplished, but gave slightly different ways of approaching the problems and solutions.

I was at the Canton school and while good, had a major problem. Brian, Yoda and Ben while outstanding teachers don't have the same methods of teaching and had different swing fundamentals and views of the swing. Hence you would get information from two different instructors that was at odds with each other and could lead to confusion. Here everybody was on the same mind set and what was taught was consistent from instructor to instructor, but with different ways of explaining and teaching.

All in all, an excellent school and well worth the time and money.
I had to go lay down in a tub of cold water after Sunday (and unfortunately missed dinner). It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed hearing the Manzella Academy analysis of all the swings. The Trackman info makes a lot more sense to me now.

My only regret is missing the putt I had on 18. Well, and there was that heat.
Besides the heat, I had a great time at this school! It was an amazing experience and I just want to thank Brian, Damon, Kevin, and Jon for all of your guys help. I got alot of work to do; but, you guys have pointed me in the right direction.

I won't let you down, Brian, being your star pupil and all!
I had to go lay down in a tub of cold water after Sunday (and unfortunately missed dinner). It was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed hearing the Manzella Academy analysis of all the swings. The Trackman info makes a lot more sense to me now.

My only regret is missing the putt I had on 18. Well, and there was that heat.

Ah, but the approach was a thing of beauty:D

It was a great weekend regardless of the heat. Brian, Damon Kevin and John were all great. They were all sincerely there to see us improve our game. As many of you may have experienced, many teachers are there to collect the payment and you don't get the feeling that they love what they are doing. That was not the case this weekend.

It was hard work trying to implement the swing changes, and the results will speak for themselves. But, good as the instruction was, the stories from Brian and Kevin were even better:p

Thanks again to everyone for all of the help. I am excited to get to work on improving my game.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator

Being my first traveling school with Brian, I was overwhelmed with a desire to see everyone get the most from there time. It is a great feeling being around people who will travel to see their game improve. I sincerely hope everyone had fun, learned something and feel that they are pointed in the right direction.

Dont blow off that short game matrix! Get to work!


geesh, was this a CIA op???

this thread is usless WITHOUT DETAILS!!! lol

I elaborated on some of the details in an earlier post. Brian discusses many of the same things at the golf schools that he brings up on this forum.

On the second day, we started off with some short game instruction and he talked about the Manzella Short game matrix which is, as you know, the 9 different pitch shots he likes to teach. This is a very simple, but effective way, of getting up and down from a variety of lies.

We then had a brief bunker lesson and then we went to the back end of the range for more Trackman analysis and full swing work. After that we had lunch and then played golf. The instructors rotated to the different groups every 6 holes or so.

Today - Brian held a clinic with Damon at LP and went over the basics of Trackman during the 2 hour talk. It went well; Brian's entertaining and informative delivery kept everyone's attention.

As the others have said, the school couldn't have gone any better. It was nice running into a few Manzella alumni and making new friends.

the Manzella Short game matrix which is, as you know, the 9 different pitch shots he likes to teach. This is a very simple, but effective way, of getting up and down from a variety of lies.

thanks for sharing your experience erik!
i am afraid that i don't know what the 9 pitches are...leading edge, mid sole, lob...?
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