De la Torre and Knudson

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Brian Manzella


I really love the fact that you are a member of this site.

You are very good at making your points and are very knowledgeable in many repects.


Do you remember a guy named CHUCK HOGAN....??
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Good post BTS!

THE GOLFER's JOB: To Make a motion!!!

THE MOTION's JOB: To Make a 'shot'!!!

Extremely interesting concept......extremely. Counter to almost everything written about what the golfer should focus on before the shot. 99% of the time its target, target target.

Brian Manzella

Ed..incase you didn't know Chuck Hogan was famous for his 15 minutes.

His gospel was "THE TARGET IS KING" everything else is a reaction.

He is about as famous as Tiffany, now days.

Listen...I have tried them all...

Including think TARGET. ;)

Make a MOTION!

(...after learning a really good one)


I have to agree with you Brian about the Target theory. I am a decent athlete and the sports that I have played were very reactionary(hockey, soccer, baseball, lacrosse) and target oriented. I have a difficult time understaning why I have such a hard time translating reacting to a situation/ target from those other sports to reacting to the target in golf. I have chalked it up to the constant motion in those sports vs the slow motion in golf. However, since I have started reading your stuff, I am now more interesting in getting aligned correctly and concentrating on the motion with my "target" now my aiming point or inside aft. The results have been much better with far fewer off the earth shots that appeared out of nowhere, despite my concentration on a far away target. keep up the good work and when is the next article!!
Brian, perhaps you and Ed Z are both on the right track. I tend to agree more with you, but Ed Z would be in line with you if his "target" was the ball in golf (actually a spot on the ball... the inside quadrant I think you espouse). It's what we want to hit with our motion.
So, maybe Ed Z is "overcomplicating" things by having 2 "targets".... the ball and the landing area. For me, my ball striking is much better when I strike the ball and focus on the ball .... with setup determining where it goes. It eliminates the head coming up too soon to "see" the "landing area target".... if the ball is the target, I don't need to lift my head to see it.

Applies to the whole game in my opinion.... full shots, chips, pitches and putting. The only nuance, for me, is to "feel the landing area" while watching the target.... the ball. In basketball we both look at, and feel the basket. In golf we need to look at the ball and feel the "basket".

Curious as to your thoughts.

Brian Manzella

Great first post ezezez!

I agree with you a bunch.

So, a question to me might be this: "Brian: What should you think about during the swing?"

"How hard do I need to hit down on the inside of this ball to make it wind up where I want it to."



I like the easy ones:
"Brian: What should you think about during the swing?"

"How hard do I need to hit down on the inside of this ball to make it wind up where I want it to."


quote:Originally posted by brianman


I really love the fact that you are a member of this site.

You are very good at making your points and are very knowledgeable in many repects.


Do you remember a guy named CHUCK HOGAN....??

Thanks Brian, I appreciate the compliment very much, means a lot coming from you.

Do I know Chuck Hogan, nope, but that doesn't mean that 'visual' thoughts don't help you play excellent golf

funny, as I type this, a student of mine just sent me an IM....

Chris: 6" from a hole in one on Friday.
Chris: Truly beautiful.
EdZ: awesome! did you make the putt?
Chris: 6" what do you think
Chris: 168 yd, down hill down wind, 8 Iron fade, just like I pictured it.
Chris: Such a great course. Greens were amazing.
EdZ: that is the key..... just how you 'pictured' it....

And that is the key.... to a certain extent, it doesn't matter 'what' you picture - in can be the 'window', it can be the inside back corner (perhaps one of the best 'concepts' to understand), it can be just a 'movie' of you making the swing - it can be the club being thrown down the fairway, the beam of light coming out of the shaft and tracing the plane, the planeboard, the club moving in slow motion through impact, hands leading, flat left, the 'brace' of the left side, the 'throw' of the right arm down and under, the angle of the back of the right hand.....

The point is to 'turn off' swing thoughts, and not to 'do' anything during the swing but 'react' to the image you are using - the image should have a 'directional' component.

The target doesn't have to be the same thing for everyone, nor does the visual in your head - but please, do yourself a favor, and use the visual, just like when shooting a basketball - 'see' and 'react' don't 'think' or 'do'.

The better you get, the more important this is, the more you use it, the better you get.

OK.... folks, try this one and let me know how it works for you.

'see' your hands swinging in a true pendulum motion, like they are the rock, and the string is tied to the spine at the base of the neck.

'see' them 'swinging'

'see' the lever that your left side/arm/club make, hands leading, flat left

close your eyes, and take practice swings and just have that visual, keeping your balance (feel as if you are swinging in slow motion)

Do this with two or three clubs in your hands, eyes closed - really 'see' them, and make sure they 'swing' and 'flow' - 'let' them swing

And to get that 'inside back corner' - 'see' yourself kicking a soccer ball (wally armstrong image), or a fieldgoal with your right leg - hit the inside back corner of the golf ball the same way (and let your body feel it, feel it in your leg)
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Great first post ezezez!

I agree with you a bunch.

So, a question to me might be this: "Brian: What should you think about during the swing?"

"How hard do I need to hit down on the inside of this ball to make it wind up where I want it to."


OK, I'll bite.... what should I think about during the swing? (I suspect, hitting down on the inside of the ball)

How hard do i need to hit down on the inside of the ball to make it wind up where I want it to? (I'm not sure I want to hear your answer :) .... in case I start thinking too much.... but for me, I just feel the landing area... works for me)
I'd say the recent crop of posters or name changers certainly feel that an IQ should be under par. Brian needs to re-boot this forum and accidently lose a few.

Brian Manzella

I 'lost' the part of this otherwise good thread that really wasn't going anywhere.

No debate, just a lot of 'filibuster.'

I hate to 'moderate' but sometimes it is needed.


I have the Chuck Hogan Video! Nice Shot! it's called. The usual suspects make cameo appearances-- Peter Jacobsen, Leadbetter, a couple others. This was 20 years ago...about the time Pelz went bankrupt with his aluminum shaft company. Chuck Hogan Reminds me of the Music Man when Prof. Harold Hill has all the kids in the band "Think the Minuet in G".
quote:Originally posted by redan

I have the Chuck Hogan Video! Nice Shot! it's called. The usual suspects make cameo appearances-- Peter Jacobsen, Leadbetter, a couple others. This was 20 years ago...about the time Pelz went bankrupt with his aluminum shaft company. Chuck Hogan Reminds me of the Music Man when Prof. Harold Hill has all the kids in the band "Think the Minuet in G".

I think I can remember the video.
The "Nice Shot" ring sounds familiar...LOL
Watched images on the screen as though magically by hypnosis or some other cult method, you would play brilliant golf after so many viewings of the images.
You shouldn't be keeping this video as if it's the one I'm thinking of it's truly not a classic and although I'm not one for censorship I think this could be a case for it.:D


Yes, eaglenest, that is the one, and Chuck Hogan is on the Video only for a tiny fraction of time-- an actor whom I have seen on non-golf infomercials for years is the MC. Follow the bouncing ball, nightclub hypnotist stuff.... and Leadbetter saying how he uses it with ALL his students.... It's a Hoot!:D Watch my pocket watch swing back and forth....You are now the Open Champion....You are now the Open Champion...
Maybe Leadbetter ought to bring this one back. He could set up a TV in a tent down near the practice ground or before walking to the first tee at some of the major's, a sort of try his teaching methods before you sign up sort of thing. I wonder if Justin Rose may have been subjected to this kind of torture before his brilliant 3rd round the other day.:D
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