Desperate in Toronto

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Here's some video of my horrible range session yesterday. I am in desperate need of suggestions to blow up my swing. Please help. Many many horrible fat shots. Mostly weak pushed shots with a tiny cut. Apologies for the poor camera angle on the belly view. Also the camera was too close on the down the line view.


Last year was a bit better but still not the swing I want to have:

Your downswing pivot is WAY out of sequence. Your left arm is getting absolutely trapped high up against your chest to start the downswing.

Make practice swings without a club in your hands, where you swing very loose arms with your pivot. The feel you need is one where you're doing very little to assist your arms on the downswing to start, then snapping them through impact.

Swinging a folded up towel against a chair should help to get this feel as well.
Your right knee is locked at the top of the swing. A straightened right leg is good IMO at the top of the swing, but a *locked* right knee is problematic. Then on the downswing the leg more or less hyperextends and it causes you to throw the club over the top. The clubface looks good, so to me it's a path problem caused by more foot, knee and leg action.

Your right knee is locked at the top of the swing. A straightened right leg is good IMO at the top of the swing, but a *locked* right knee is problematic. Then on the downswing the leg more or less hyperextends and it causes you to throw the club over the top. The clubface looks good, so to me it's a path problem caused by more foot, knee and leg action.


Upon second viewing, I think you may be on to something. Interested to hear Brian/Kevin/Jim chime in.

Ryan Smither

Super Moderator
Definitely some good things going on there, golfie. Like Brad (holeout) said, your pivot appears to be the overriding issue.

I'd recommend Brian's back-and-forth drill -- where you make swings back and forth (literally once you reach finish position you swing "backwards" and try to strike the same place where the ball would sit) with the focus being on the pivot pulling the arms and club along.

I believe the drill is in the Soft Draw video (which I'd bet you have with some of the moves you've displayed), but don't quote me on that. The drill is typically used for getting more "toss" but it looks like you have plenty. The key is feeling like your arms are just "along for the ride."

Brian can likely make a good guess at the root cause of your pivot problems, but I'm not that good. ;)

(my guess after re-watching ... you may need more "twist" on the downswing to keep the club face from opening, especially if weak cut shots/ slices/ pushes are a typical ball flight)
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Not an Expert

After having looked at your video I noticed that just before impact you pull up out of the shot, actually you raise your head by as much as 4 inches. Have no idea on cause or effect but you consistently raise up at impact.

Brian could fix you in under 5 minutes!

Jimmy ;)
Holy smokes - you are lanky flexible.

Your backswing is so over extended you would need a perfect pivot to handle that. Not going to happen, IMO.

You spend a good portion of the first part of your downswing just getting the arm unit back into a place where you can do something with it. Meanwhile, you basically have to stand up through impact to give yourself room.

Check your foot position at impact on the first video. Right toe and outside of the left heel. You could put a sandwich under your left foot at impact.

Your upper right arm and elbow are getting way behind you at the top. Feel like it's more in front your body.

You're actually not too far away. But your arm motion is on steriods. Tone it down.
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To me, it looks like you tug on it with your body during the transition. You might need to stay in your turn more while you get to your left side.
To me, it looks like you tug on it with your body during the transition. You might need to stay in your turn more while you get to your left side.

+1, but more specific tugs on it with the upper right shoulder. Get to the left and then concentrate on rotating your shoulders around your upper center(middle of the chest) while tilting a little.
Thanks for the replies. I think Brad's original suggestion is what I will work on for a bit.

Any input from the Manzella team would be much appreciated.

Thanks for the input Brian. I will try that out. I think having the arms closer in is inline with playing with looser arms.

I have noted that my back swing is horrendously slow. I think that getting a quicker turn will help with that. When you say belly... could I substitute chest turn?

Golfie aka Scott
Scott, stare at your hips. Backswing, fine. Downswing, they don't move.
Near the end of backswing you need to step on the left foot, slide hips forward, and keep the hips ahead (rotationaly) of the chest, and chest ahead of the arms/hands. Unwinding, so to speak. You are winding up your rubber band and then unwinding it top first instead of from the ground up.

Google "Yellow Brick Road" Buy his NHA-2 video.

Good Luck.

Here is the results of my first range session since the last video. I started the swings with a quicker torso turn on the backswing thereby allowing me to get the club up without activating the arms much if at all. Then on the DS I am trying to get narrower at the top although not as successfully as I would like.

I do wonder if have to do something to shorten the left arm some. My shoulders are very flexible.

Any suggestions are appreciated.


Brian Manzella

Left Arm Flying Wedge WAY TOO ROTATED EARLY.

Left Arm needs to be a bit flatter at the top, and the hands need to pass way closer to the right lefg on the downswing.
Clarification needed

Left Arm Flying Wedge WAY TOO ROTATED EARLY.

Left Arm needs to be a bit flatter at the top, and the hands need to pass way closer to the right lefg on the downswing.

I am unsure how to accomplish both of these left arm objectives. If I try to not rotate left arm wedge, I get a more upright swing = higher left arm.

How to best accomplish both of these at the same time? Perhaps it is more vertical initially and then stalling into the transition?

As far as getting the hands closer to the right leg, I think I need to get my R elbow further behind me (Thinking more David Duval-ish) but I would like to end up more CH III ish. Should I let the right elbow slide backwards in the transition and into the last parallel before impact or have it back further at the top of the backswing?

Any help would be appreciated.

I will be trying to give this a shot later today.

Happy golfing, all.
A bit more progress

Here's my results from yesterday.

Still over rotating the left arm wedge but having some success letting the R elbow sort of rotate backwards in the transition. This seems to have somewhat reduced the up and out movement prior to impact. I think I lost some power with this swing although I recognize things take time to come together and I am slowed by thinking about the changes I am making.


Comments welcomed.
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