Did Hogan swivel?

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This swivel thing is driving me nuts. It don't look right. Hogan looked like he tried to keep the face open all through follow through. Is it just me or just does it just not seem right?
I would imagine he changed depending on the shot. I have seen pictures and videos that suggest different things.

I have seen pics that show him with the face still pointing to the sky well past the ball.

Do know- a full-roll fade is very possible. I have a way where, with a full-roll, I pretty much cannot hook it. It tends to too large of a fade.

It really is pretty easy if you grip it weak enough and open it enough going back.

I would love to be able to give you exact answers...I still have many Hogan questions myself.

The truth is, no one seems to really know why and exactly how the hell this guy hit it as good as people say he did. Same with Moe Norman. Easy enough to notice they are both different.

All I know is Hogan is a mysery wrapped in an enigma.

What I do now is try it all and use what works best for me.

Be careful with chasing secrets man; if that is what you're doing. Chase cause and effect instead.

(effect: what happens; cause: causes the effect)

Beware Accute Hogan-itis klutes!

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This swivel thing is driving me nuts. It don't look right.

I'm not quite sure what you mean that it doesn't look right. If you look at the swing sequences of pros from a face-on view you will see that most of them have the clubface pointing directly away from the camera about the time the club gets to horizontal after impact. Watch Tiger and he frequently takes little left-arm one-armed swings where he swivels.

Hogan looked like he tried to keep the face open all through follow through. Is it just me or just does it just not seem right?

You are right. Much of the time Hogan DID try to keep the face open through his follow through. But Hogan was a reformed hooker who built himself the most anti-hook swing he could. Most amateur golfers are slicers or flippers and the last thing they need is an anti-hook swing.
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