Distance with the new Science Info

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With all the effort being put into the science of golf, I am wondering if there is any science based studies/information regarding generating club head speed existing that is considered creditable.

In particular has anyone identified if relationships have been established:
- Hand Speed and Club Head Speed
- Rotational Speed of Hips to Arms to Hands to Club Head to Speed of each

I realize the club head speed is not the single defining attribute for determining distance, but given a ‘reasonable’ presentation of the club head to the ball (AoT, face alignment, centerness, etc.), club head speed does greatly influence ball speed which equates to distance.

It has been noted that Project 1.68 hasn’t been completed and it has been indicated that there is more work to be done in other aspects of the golf stroke.

I am distance challenged and though I am sure within my swing are some power leaks, I am attempting to determine if my body’s fitness may be the primary reason.

Any help to a short knocking senior?
Martee, here's some food for thought. I just turned 66. I do not have a distance problem, but I do have an inconsistency problem, and a late round energy problem.

Despite playing twice a week, hitting practice balls, and dancing twice a week, I knew I was out of shape and overweight. On the recommendation of a friend, I went to see her personal trainer, also a woman.

The assessment session was free. I was nervous. However, according to her, I passed with flying colors. I do not think the same would be true for the vast majority of my fellow senior league golfers. In fact, she said that in many, many cases people of all ages who have been sedentary can't pass the assesment, and spend up to 6 sessions just trying to get to the point where she can actually start training them. So I signed up for several months of sessions, and have now completed 4 sessions.

My balance has already improved and I feel much stronger in the legs and core. This may be the something to consider. She has told me that at the six month point, I will not believe the difference in strength, flexibility, and overall fitness level.
Soft, how do the 3 of you get away with not playing in collars?



With age comes decline... unless you seek out a sympathetic golf teacher who can teach you a couple of new tricks.
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