Does the ball feel heavier with the long irons?

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First, let me describe a little better what I am talking about.

I took a lesson with Brian in Loo-ville last year. He had me hitting balls off of a slight uphill lie on the edge of the range with a 4-wood. These shots, when hit correctly, transmitted to my arms the feeling of a "heavy" ball. The clubhead really felt heavier as it made contact with the ball.

Just last weekend I was thinking about that drill and what Brian was trying to get me to do. So, on the 18th hole, I made a swing with the driver that reproduced that heavy feeling. I really made solid contact ... good drive all around.

Now what I do to get this feeling is to "swing with the slope." I noticed that in my normal swing, the ball never felt heavy. I also noticed that I was not swinging with the (flat) slope on normal shots. I only did this on uphill lies. So, when I make the bottom of the swing more parallel with the ground, the ball feels heavier.

EXCEPT .... with short irons (8, 9, PW) I cannot say that the ball ever feels heavy the way it did with the driver or 4-wood. So, those of you that hit the ball better than I do, does the ball feel equally heavy with all clubs? Or, does it get progressively heavier with decreasing loft?

Also, I notice the thing I need to do to get this heavy feeling is to add axis tilt away from the target. So, what I am trying to figure out is if I need to add more tilt with the shorter irons. Or, maybe I am looking for something that is not there...

Anyone (Brian too) willing to share what their swings feel like?
I know the sensation. Really powerful feeling. My longest drives usually feel like that. Feels like the ball just sits on the clubface for forever.


It's probably more noticeable in the longer clubs due to the flatter (less lofted) faces, combined with a shaft which is longer and therefore more flexible.
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