Double sided towel plane board?

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Ok, i need to do some practice on my path but have had periods of being both under plane and OTT in the past. Has anyone created something for practice where you can groove the correct plane/path whilst swinging a club? e.g. Brian's towel plane board idea but one on each side?

I've tried lasers etc and other aids but unless i'm swinging a club at normal speed i don't find them that valuable.

PS: this setup would be at home when i can't get to the range to use ball flight as the main feedback tool.

I made a half circle contraption with pool noodles and flexible copper and made a slot for the club to go back and down on the same plane. The only problem is that your downswing plane is going to be or I say should be flatter then the backswing. I remember seeing a chart somewhere of a bunch of pga tour players backswings and downswings all measured in degrees and everysingle one came in flatter on the downswing.
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