Downswing Question

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I've suffered from too much swinging in to out. My downswing i always dropped the club inside and had the club looking like this 1 / 1 if the ones were railroad tracks. I would block the ball dead right.Now I've been experimenting and trying 1 \ 1 this path and I'm hitting draws or straight shots but still no divot.

1. Severely in to out will the clubface be open? Got NSA didn't help.

2. Tried NHA didn't seem to really help either.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Unless you have a severely in/out path you can't play with (ie can't get long irons off the ground) why can't you aim slightly right, swing that way and play a draw all day? Why alter your path so much?


I've suffered from too much swinging in to out. My downswing i always dropped the club inside and had the club looking like this 1 / 1 if the ones were railroad tracks. I would block the ball dead right.Now I've been experimenting and trying 1 \ 1 this path and I'm hitting draws or straight shots but still no divot.

1. Severely in to out will the clubface be open? Got NSA didn't help.

2. Tried NHA didn't seem to really help either.
Hi there are you both wanting to swing more \ and take a divot, if so I would suggest the million dollar lesson ( rolled up towel I would suggest a larger towel) and for divots CFF worked wonders for me. Just talking from my experience.
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