Delivery Paths
Another great video. ALways confused about delivery paths. WHat is a circle delivery path?
Delivery paths, in TGM terms, are the different paths that the HANDS could travel during the backswing and downswing.
If you watch slow motion video of golf swings at the face-on angle, and trace the path the hands take, you will notice that some swings take a more direct, straight-line path to the ball, and other swings will have the hands traveling a circular, arcing path to the ball.
On one end of the spectrum we have the "straight line delivery path." On the other end of the spectrum is the "circle delivery path". There are a couple of delivery paths that were defined by Homer Kelly that fall in between these two extremes, but hardly get any mention at all even though they are probably the most commonly used.
Someone that teaches a swing with a lot of width and a shallow angle of approach is really teaching a circle delivery path of the hands, as Brian mentioned in a previous post.
Coaches that teach a "maximum participation" type of pattern, like Ben Doyle's favorite pattern, usually teach a straight line delivery path of the hands.
The straight line delivery path usually goes hand-in-hand with a "snap" release. You'll often see reference to the "endless belt effect" that a straight line delivery path uses a "smaller pulley", and therefore generates more speed.
The circle delivery path usually is matched up with a sweep release.
Annika has a circle delivery path, she picks it cleanly, and is very accurate. She attempted to get longer by pumping iron, but it really didn't make a BIG difference because she didn't make her swing more efficient in terms of producing speed. The extra strength allowed her to use a longer shaft, which is how she increased her driving distance.
Bobby Clampett has a straight line delivery path and a snap release. Pound for pound, very very long.