Maybe not as far off as you might think? I saw this at the Evershed-Canadian move site. I was kind of surprised!
(Quote from Evershed)
The Body
In the overall view of the golf swing, a person saying that they get distance from their weight shift or their body could most likely not be swayed in a court of law. This is because I do get distance from my weight shift but it's the on-plane swinging action of my arms combined with the educated motion of the hands that causes my weight to get shifted. Secondly, I can hit the ball further if my weight gets shifted to my front foot – 3% further but that's it.
My problem with statements such as, “you get power and/or speed from your weight shift” is that anyone reading that does not see any of the other factors such as, your educated hands produce 76% of the power, your on-plane arms produce 16% of the power and the vertical drop produces 5% of the power in the golf swing. Therefore, they never spend any time working on the major factors. The golfer just spends wasted time trying to hit the ball with their big muscles (they can't move very fast), and very little time working on the little muscles which can move very fast. If the power comes from the big muscles and/or weight shift, why don't the big guys on tour hit the ball percentage-wise, that much further than the little guys.
Andy Bean weighs 230 lbs and his average driving distance is 270 yards. Corey Pavin weighs 135 lbs and his average driving distance is 260 yards.
(End Quote)