Educated Hands....Whatsbest approach to leaning???

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quote:Originally posted by rwh
If you think this seems too simple, it's not. No less an authority than Holenone put me on this precise curriculum "until mastered" -- and I had been playing the game for 40 years.

Oh, and it works -- big time.

Thanks for the testimonial, rwh. And we didn't even start with a Club. We started with a wooden dowel! It's amazing how when there is no Clubhead, you are suddenly free to think about your Hands and their Alignments. :)

As an example, I today received a very nice letter from a long-time PGA teaching professional who attended our Pine Needles 'Secrets' Workshop in early August. Here is a direct quote from that letter:

"I have utilized the drills/procedures you showed us with my students. In using the dowels to set up the flying wedges I have asked my students to hit balls without consciously changing the alignments they have established. This seems to result in better contact and straighter shots almost immediately no matter what length motion employed."

Well, there you go!

That is why I personally spend at least some time with the dowels every day. Dedicate just three minutes a day to the dowels. Surely better golf for the rest of your life is worth three minutes a day!

Grip a 5/8" dowel with the shaft running well up your Left Forearm. Practice your Left Arm Flying Wedge alone. Then your Right Forearm Flying Wedge alone. Trace a Plane Line a few times with that Right Forearm Wedge. Then the complete the Assembly. Trace some more. All the while, Look, Look LOOK to make sure you're getting it right. Don't trust Feel alone. We're programming here, and your Alignments must be perfect.

Go to Fix, and do a few Right Forearm Takeaways. If you're a Swinger, do a few continuous Motions -- back-and-through and back-and-through -- with only the Left Arm Wedge and Feeling the Start Up, Release and Finish Swivels. Feel the Drag of the Left Wrist Load, and especially Feel the Left Wrist Centrifugal Throw-Out in Release. Listen to that Swoosh on every pass back-and-through. Even with this Snap Release, keep the Motion deliberate, positive and heavy.

If you're a Hitter, practice your Right Arm Drive Out in a similar fashion, only more 'sequenced' and a bit less 'continuous.' Load that Right Elbow at the Top. Then Drive the Heel of that Right Hand into the back of the Left Thumb and Dowel on the Downstroke. Keep that Left Wrist Flat and that Right Wrist Bent. Bend and Straighten that Right Elbow with a decisive, rigid Motion. Bend and Drive Out! Bend and Drive Out! Thrust! Mentally detect every possible describable sensation. Differentiate these alignments from your current procedure.

It won't happen all at once, but it will happen. Three minutes daily -- not twenty minutes weekly! -- is all it takes. Over time, your good shots get even better. More importantly, your bad shots get a whole lot better!
quote:Originally posted by holenone
Practice your Left Arm Flying Wedge alone. Then your Right Forearm Flying Wedge alone. Trace a Plane Line a few times with that Right Forearm Wedge. Then the complete the Assembly. Trace some more.

A question, sir. Exactly how do you go about "tracing a plane line" in this drill? When I think of tracing a plane line I envision Chuck's drill using a flashlight or Ledbetter's laser gizmo. I can watch video and see if my club is on the same plane as it is at address. I'm not sure in this drill, and the instructions to trace the plane line with #3PP, how to monitor if I'm actually tracing the plane.
I went to work with a plastic dowels last night.
Revelation #1
Keeping the dowel against the left forearm and bent right wrist = the Flying wedges!!!!!!
Revelation #2
Speeding up the swing you get a swish in front of the ball. You see the lag in the dowel. Swinging and letting the hands break down (flat right wrist) the swish occurs early in the swing or behind the ball. Dean Reinmuth on TGC he taught the early release swish behind the ball using a similar drill with a club????
Revelation #3
The flat left wrist/bent right flying wedge you sense the fixed precision alignments of what is THE GOLFING MACHINE. The Flying wedge encourages almost forces the proper plane and pivot through on the downswing. The hands controlled pivot.
Revelation #4
The three imperatives are exactly what they are. Until you master the flat left wrist you are wasting your time.
I will swing the dowels left arm, right arm and together. Everyday!.
Thanks again HoleinOne!!!!
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