Does anybody here realize this is an EXERCISE.....
Very easy concept.
It is very cruel to put the cat in amongst the pigeons Brian. ;-)
The thing you left out of that presentation from what I saw on the video, was that Dr Nesbit was focused on the shoulder girdle, arms and hands. I believe he also said that he didn't know how much the body pivot contributed to the swing, but I would have to go back and re watch it to confirm. So letting people get sidetracked into talking about about pivot again.......?
I do think that Dr Nesbit's focus is also right as I see the movement of the body as not contributing much to the power in the swing, and is mostly about placing the club in a position to deliver the work produced by the shoulder girdle, arms and hands to the ball. The harder you can swing the arms and hands(which is strength related) the more you speed you can generate.
As far as efficiency goes, a power leek in this situation is referring to something in the shoulder girdle, arms and hands in transferring the force to the ball. An example would be hitting a ball with completely floppy wrists. As the structural integrity of the connection to the club is compromised the force can not move through the wrists to the club, which in turn slows the club head down and bad things happen to the ball. Another real world example is sound waves passing through wall insulation. As the sound hits the insulation it requires more work for the sound to pass through the insulation then the air and so the volume is lessened on the other side. What I think Dr Nesbit was meaning is that as long as a golfer is holding onto the club with the intention of maximizing the impact to the ball, they will all be roughly as efficient as each other at transferring the generated force to the ball regardless of handicap level.
The difference between the pro and the hacker is the pro will do more work(swing harder) at the right time in the swing and therefore have a greater club head speed.