quote:Originally posted by rwh
quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe
The dog(#3 pp) must try to "get away" ONLY along the shaft line, otherwise it would completely eliminate #3 at address, and be wristcock throwaway on the downswing. If it IS as you say, explain how you could execute extensor action, and at the same time cock the left wrist on the BS by bending the right elbow? Extensor action is "...in operation from Impact Fix to the end of the Follow-through."
Here is another try at the feeling - You are trying to stretch the grip and make it longer from #2 pp to #3 pp.
I don't diagree with anything you've said. I very well could be doing Extensor Action incorrectly. My confusion appears to be in that EA is a below plane force and, since the clubshaft is on-plane, I'm having a hard time relating EA to the clubshaft. I really like your visual about trying to stretch the grip to make it longer between #2 and #3.
I agree with rwh, extensor action is a below-plane force (because the arm being strtetched is above plane like Matt says). With the club gripped under the heel of the left hand, why would stretching the left arm in its own plane cause the left wrist to fully uncock and cause a zero #3? I believe you can fully stretch your left arm and still have the wrist level, or at least not all the way uncocked. In fact, only with a zero #3 condition (the same thing as rwh's dog and leash example) would extesnsor action be an on plane force. At least that's what 6-B-1-D says in the first paragrahp. But this would only happen if yuo gripped the club in the cup of the hand or if you deliberately uncocked your wrist all the way.