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So until recently I always kept my chin up at address so my left shoulder did not come into contact with it, this would put me in a position where I was staring down my cheeks. Well I recently started worked on Geoff Mangum's putting style and he advocates aligning your eyes directly at the target line without staring down your cheeks at all. As I was working on my putting I noticed it start to cary over to my full shot address posture. And low and behold even though my left shouder does hit my chin a little I seem to be much more consistent and it feels easier to align my body to the clubface.
My questions are: Do accomplished players make note of where their eyeline is? Also when you turn your head to look at the target are you aware of where you returned your head to?
Jack seems to have his eyes and head pointed directy at the target line. At the top of his swing this changes drastically. So I'm assuming it was very important to him at address, but not so much after that?
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