Face Angle Control & Timing (now with a Manzella video)

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I consistently had a Trackman reading last night of less than one for my club path. However, my face angle readings were consistenlty around -4* closed. Thus, I would hit drivers 30-40 yards left (108 clubhead speed, 160 ballspeed, 3000 spin rate, 13 * vertical launch).

How does one best control the face angle or is this just "timing" in a golf swing? I can "time" my clubpath on Trackman pretty consistently and keep it under one (whether in to out or out to in).

I have no problem aiming 30 yards right because I'm very consistent with my numbers. I also knew never to aim at the target with my swing because the ball would always curve left so much.

I know you can't see my swing, but my club is 1/4 closed at the top (or less). Just wondering about controlling clubface in general.


What about buying a driver with a 4º open face... or does your driver have an open face now? What about your shaft flex and tip torque values?

The last thing you want to change is your swing mechanics... that's asking for trouble!!!
What about buying a driver with a 4º open face... or does your driver have an open face now? What about your shaft flex and tip torque values?

The last thing you want to change is your swing mechanics... that's asking for trouble!!!

Heaven forbid we come to a golf instruction website to change our swing mechanics.

Brian Manzella

I consistently had a Trackman reading last night of less than one for my club path. However, my face angle readings were consistenlty around -4* closed. Thus, I would hit drivers 30-40 yards left (108 clubhead speed, 160 ballspeed, 3000 spin rate, 13 * vertical launch).

How does one best control the face angle or is this just "timing" in a golf swing? I can "time" my clubpath on Trackman pretty consistently and keep it under one (whether in to out or out to in).

I have no problem aiming 30 yards right because I'm very consistent with my numbers. I also knew never to aim at the target with my swing because the ball would always curve left so much.

I know you can't see my swing, but my club is 1/4 closed at the top (or less). Just wondering about controlling clubface in general.

Do you really want my advice?
I'll shoot a clip this afternoon.

Christmas comes early!!!! Hopefully you can talk about the No. 3 accumulator roll. I believe that affects the face angle the most, but I could be wrong.

Not to tout T_M, but their accumulator language makes it easier to talk about more than one movement at a time for me. If a better term is created that is Manzella friendly, I'll gladely use it.
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Brian Manzella

I won't be able to do a video until later, but I suggest you try a stronger grip and get to the last position in all of Lia's photos.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Why would a stronger grip promote more roll? It's actually the opposite. A weaker left hand promotes more roll into impact. A stronger left hand promotes more bending after impact.

Brian Manzella

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/33059185?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0" width="691" height="389" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
Thanks from an interested bystander.

I've been trying to do this for some time now but it seems to be at complete odds with what the club HEAD wants to do, ie rotate/close. Any ideas why this seems so "contra-physics"?


Thanks for this video. Really clears it up for me. When I was on the course today, on the last two holes' tee shot I added roll, thinking I need to since 1) I hadn't had any and "I should", and 2) to fight a wind. Wound up with huge hooks. The swings before this were FINE w/o much roll. Just...don't add any.

Thanks again.
Wonderful post Brian. This clears up a lot!!! How did you know I hit trick shots? I've been playing slingshot draws for years.
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