Fat Shots With Wedge (30-60 yards) - Releasing the Clubhead

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Are fat shots reduced by a clubface that is closing down before and through impact? For example, on wedge shots from 30-60 yards I can hold the clubface with the swing, through impact and it's easy to hit fat shots on soft turf. However, if I hit the same short shot and try to release the clubhead through impact I have less fat shots. Maybe the bounce angle becomes more engaged with a releasing clubhead???? Low point easier to control with a closing clubface on a short shot? Less steep attack angle? I'm trying to think out loud with this post.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I see this all the time, my hunch is too armsy with a too steep angle of attack with a splash of quit. Stand more open, swing more left.
Could be that when you feel like you release the clubhead swings out to the ball and on plane.

when you hold on it backs up and dumps under plane to hit it fat. If your fat shot are coupled with toe contact it's a sure sign.
Sometimes...when swing is short, with a short club, there is too much vertical involved. Even though it's that short a shot, it still needs a liitle turn. In this case back I think.

Brian Manzella

Are fat shots reduced by a clubface that is closing down before and through impact? For example, on wedge shots from 30-60 yards I can hold the clubface with the swing, through impact and it's easy to hit fat shots on soft turf. However, if I hit the same short shot and try to release the clubhead through impact I have less fat shots. Maybe the bounce angle becomes more engaged with a releasing clubhead???? Low point easier to control with a closing clubface on a short shot? Less steep attack angle? I'm trying to think out loud with this post.

Trying to "hold off" the face might have you trying to work "under" the club, moving the baseline right and dumping early.

If you "hold off" by keeping the right wrist too bent, too long, can make the radius too short. Then the fear off missing causes a forward or right shoulder downward dive. Fat.

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