Feel your hands and feet and balance.
Feel the 'heavy' club and the 'light' club. - Think of using a sledge hammer. When you swing it up, it feels heavy, then light, then heavy. You want a somewhat similar feel in golf for a float loading action.
As far as the overall motion, it is like throwing the club down, throwing a ball, throwing a frisbee. In all cases, you don't need to focus on each part, just your target. The throw is more 'down' than 'forward'. Like driving the ball into the ground.
Swinging back/through back/through with no thought of the clubface, just the motion and balance, can be very good practice, especially with a heavy club and your eyes closed. Imagine you are throwing the club down the fairway, take that same feel and throw it DOWN, driving the ball into the ground.
There are basically two main concepts to learn. What the club must do (lag, plane), and what the body must do to support the club. Eyes closed, balanced swinging of a heavy club will show you the natural throwing motion and how the body supports it. Step, throw, step, throw.
Smooth motion, always in balance.
Support the on plane swinging force in balance