Fiddle Drill Feel

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The fiddle drill mocks me.

Is the feel one has during the fiddle drill exactly the feel one should feel while swinging? The release feel of the fiddle drill feels much 'looser' than I am normally used to. Can't remember the exact term HK uses. Both ends quickly turning over? I think Brian referred to it as freewheeling.

How close to the feel of the fiddle drill is the feel of an actual swing? Using the hands and fingers to grip the club as I normally would, I can't replicate that feel. Not even close.

Another thing I noticed with the drill was that one could aim both the right shoulder and butt end of the club at the ball at the same time. Can't feel that in an actual swing. IN my actual swing, I don't even know if my right shoulder is going through the correct motion. If I focus on the right shoulder, my pivot train is interrupted and I come over the top. If I aim PP#3 at the ball with my pivot, I still come over the top because my right shoulder is not going in the exact same direction as PP#3.

The Fiddle Drill laughs at me.
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