Fill in the blank: I stopped flipping when I...

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Brian Manzella

The Real Trick to Not Flipping is....

The PIVOT!!!

The real CAUSE of flipping is the INTENT of using throwaway to LIFT the ball and SQUARE the face.

Or course, I say all of this in "Flipper."

When I do "Son of a Former Flipper," I will include 10 new drills. Here is one of them:

Grip the club normally>remove fingers until you are holding the club with just the forefinger, index finger, and thumb of both hands in their approximate "original" positions>hit a 5 to 10 yard chip shot.


Or'll miss it, or flub it! :eek:

Anyway you could do just a video of drills? You really have a great mind for working out swing issues with drills.
I'd buy it :D
Erik-K, can you elaborate on the 2-ball drill?

Brian, your videos and lessons have worked wonders on my flipping, but sadly enough, I'm still flipping through the impact area just a little. Don't get me wrong, I can still hit the ball around the course just fine. But, this ole coconut still hasn't fully figured out how to stop throwaway.


The PIVOT!!!

The real CAUSE of flipping is the INTENT of using throwaway to LIFT the ball and SQUARE the face.

Or course, I say all of this in "Flipper."

When I do "Son of a Former Flipper," I will include 10 new drills. Here is one of them:

Grip the club normally>remove fingers until you are holding the club with just the forefinger, index finger, and thumb of both hands in their approximate "original" positions>hit a 5 to 10 yard chip shot.


Or'll miss it, or flub it! :eek:


Mark me down for one order. ;)



Erik-K, can you elaborate on the 2-ball drill?

Brian, your videos and lessons have worked wonders on my flipping, but sadly enough, I'm still flipping through the impact area just a little. Don't get me wrong, I can still hit the ball around the course just fine. But, this ole coconut still hasn't fully figured out how to stop throwaway.


Normal address/stance and the ball is where you like it (under left shoulder normally). Now, place ANOTHER ball about an inch or two to the right of the ball you are going to hit and place it about 2-3 inches in front. That 2nd ball is where you want to aim your hands, relative to the ball you are striking. It's akin to placing a tee or quarter about 2 inches in front of the ball you are going to it. But this simple 'station' can be used again and again for all shots; be it chips, pitches, even drives.

shootin4par, that is a rather drastic measure to take to stop flipping..don't you think :).

Erik-K, I'll give it a try. As I'm looking at the ball at address would I place the ball to the left of the ball I'm going to hit. I'm not sure what you mean by "to the right of the ball you are going to hit"..thanks.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
shootin4par, that is a rather drastic measure to take to stop flipping..don't you think :).

Erik-K, I'll give it a try. As I'm looking at the ball at address would I place the ball to the left of the ball I'm going to hit. I'm not sure what you mean by "to the right of the ball you are going to hit"..thanks.

L o

L = club
o = next to L is your ball you're hitting
x = other ball, this is where you are going to aim your hands FROM YOUR VIEW as the golfer.

IDEALLY that ball would be directly IN FRONT OF the "o" but then you'd hit that ball too, so you just put it off to the side.


Feel the tension.

Thanks for all the replies. Here is something to consider....

Do you think that tension in the swing would cause one to have trouble creating and sustaining lag?

BTS, you mentioned sustaining the lag, would you say a tension free swing helps with that?
No, it's just the opposite. You need to feel the tention (or pressure) throughout the "machine", including the shaft bent, to sustain the lag.
I put a tee all the way down 2 inches in front of the ball. It helped me with aiming point, knowing that if I dug that tee with my divot, I wouldn't be flipping.
I had to give up on the hit down and through the ball as I hit way to many shank slices, but maybe its time to give it another try. I was probably holding on the club instead of letting centrifugal force do its job.
Try this

I still have problem with flipping (not completely cured). Get a sand wedge with a lot of bounce. Try hitting with ball on very tight lie, like hard pan. I find if I'm flipping I can't get club under ball. You have to hit down or bounce will cause you to skull ball.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I had to give up on the hit down and through the ball as I hit way to many shank slices, but maybe its time to give it another try. I was probably holding on the club instead of letting centrifugal force do its job.

you were or are shank slicing it because your face is way too open and you're lagging the hosel.

Use the twistaway.
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