Fix the Clubface First !!!

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Fix the clubface FIRST! An often common phrase Manzella utters when asked how to approach helping a golfer. For 3 or 4 years I have heard this, I have been observing how others approach the problem. Though the statement seems very simple, how it is applied IMO may not. I say that cause I have experience the instructor who uses the 3 Imperatives as a guideline to troubleshoot, then there are those who focus on path (plane) and then look at face alignments and then there are those I have given up on who immediately pull some position or movement that seems to be without an explanation, it is just what they do.

So what does this really mean in concrete terms, not actual golfer adjustments or changes?

1. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Target Line (the Plane Line may or may not be same - Ball would start in the correct direction)
2. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Plane Line (ignoring the Target Line initially -Ball would not have curvature, but direction may be wrong)
3. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Ball (Wow where to start, inside aft, down on ball, etc - Results in trajectory, direction and curvature corrected.)

I have probably over simplified the above statements but which of the 3 are first. Note #3 appears to address #1 and #2 plus a few other potential issues not listed.

Or if I am still out in left field, can you state it in similar terms as I have done above?


Brian Manzella

Fix the clubface FIRST! An often common phrase Manzella utters when asked how to approach helping a golfer. For 3 or 4 years I have heard this, I have been observing how others approach the problem. Though the statement seems very simple, how it is applied IMO may not. I say that cause I have experience the instructor who uses the 3 Imperatives as a guideline to troubleshoot, then there are those who focus on path (plane) and then look at face alignments and then there are those I have given up on who immediately pull some position or movement that seems to be without an explanation, it is just what they do.

So what does this really mean in concrete terms, not actual golfer adjustments or changes?

1. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Target Line (the Plane Line may or may not be same - Ball would start in the correct direction)
2. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Plane Line (ignoring the Target Line initially -Ball would not have curvature, but direction may be wrong)
3. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Ball (Wow where to start, inside aft, down on ball, etc - Results in trajectory, direction and curvature corrected.)

I have probably over simplified the above statements but which of the 3 are first. Note #3 appears to address #1 and #2 plus a few other potential issues not listed.

Or if I am still out in left field, can you state it in similar terms as I have done above?


Best question in the history of the forum.


I will do my best...

Brian Manzella

The Manzella Matrix Teaching Method.

Start here:

Most SLICERS need the clubface fixed first.
Most HOOKERS need the plane line (path) fixed first.


Of course this is VERY simplified.

So what does this really mean in concrete terms, not actual golfer adjustments or changes?

1. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Target Line (the Plane Line may or may not be same - Ball would start in the correct direction)
2. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Plane Line (ignoring the Target Line initially -Ball would not have curvature, but direction may be wrong)
3. Fix the Clubface alignment to the Ball (Wow where to start, inside aft, down on ball, etc - Results in trajectory, direction and curvature corrected.)

For the SLICER, I get the face NEUTRAL at address by giving them a very Hogan-ized grip. I make SURE that the clubface is less open going back utilizing my TWISTAWAY CONCEPT. I make sure it doesn't RE-OPEN coming down utilizing the BEHIND-NOT UNDER THE SWEETSPOT technique. and Going though I have them empoy Horizontal Hinge Actiona nd a Full-Roll, WEDDING RING UP finish swivel. IN OTHER WORDS "Never Slice Again."

90% of the time they are not slicing it before using much of the above, and the ball starts left and hooks and we introduce the inside-aft quadrant with the requisite AXIS-TILT and TURN AROUND THE SPINE backswing pivot.

The video does a much better job of explaining this, and the web version is only $19.99

If you fix the Hooker/Below Plane-r by using the CLUBFACE FIRST, they would just about shank it.

So I fix the PATH by using a backswing pivot that makes "Staying on Top of it" easier. If the face is TOO CLOSED, as it often still is, we work on sequencing the pivot and power package better.

And we introduce the "Magic Line."

(What's the "Magic Line"??? You'll have to buy Never Hook Again 2.0 when I release it)
Thanks Brian, I wasn't so much looking for specific actions (grip change, etc.) as I was or have been over time trying to define the concept.

So, in reality 'Fixing the Clubface First' only applies to 90 plus % of the golfers (slicers), there is some that 'Fixing the Club path First' (hookers, extreme hookers) is the approach.

Clubface First is focused on clubface to club path (plane and plane line) which in the process may pull the club path to the target line, if not then some follow on adjustments would take place.

The steps to accomplish each is indeed another topic, one which your videos address or will address which wasn't my intent of my question.

So after 4 years (that is how long I have struggled with understanding this concept), I think I finally understand your approach and why you are so adamant about 'Fixing the Club Face First'. After all probably 90% plus golfers slice and to date most of the fixes applied usually result in more of a slice or some screwed up golf motion, none which really address the problem, nor which are long lasting.

Thank I can move on in my studies
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