Fixing FLIPPING without adding SHANKS.

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Sounds like you are opening the clubface too much on the backswing (over rotating those wrists), then just holding on , on the downswing to develop lag = way open face = SSSHHAANNKK.
Read Brian twistaway (never slice again) article in this forum .
Also watch your posture... Weight on Toes and Heel. One extreme or the other will lead too a lurch towards the ball = SSSHHHAAAANNNKKKKKK!!! Arghhhhh!
There is nothing worse than a Dirty-Great-Shanker! :D
Go out in the garden and practice weight slightly on toes, and twisting the clubface closed (or at least this feel) .... try feel like right palm covers the ball on the way back (faces ground as long as possible) if your rigth handed.


Check that your right forearm isn't too high at address, chances are it is.

Start in balance, hold your finish until the ball stops.
Thanks for your help :) Actually I have just got Brians Building blocks so I will be heading out to the garden and maybe the range today to work on this again. From my original lessons, non TGM, I had a slight weight change right at the beginning of the swing,followed by turn, I also have to be a bit careful of the forward press as I tend to over rebound a little so that causes me to have to do the reverse which of course throws me off. I do also open the face bigbaddonkey. So I will watch my new info again and attempt to copy. Set-up is good though I think Edz. I don't really shank that much but ball flight is very inconsistant. Have never been a slicer. but have had the sister to it, a pull.
Wow! I think I've got it.
Think is the operative word. I have found that a much quieter body is what I needed, I do have a big tendancy to over-do the body action. So eliminating the forward press and only doing one waggle right before starting has helped me do that. (hope that is ok) and acually bending my right arm more and using it a bit like a piston while allowing it to pull me through for the turn instead of actively leading with the turn. I am taking a good divot, the ball is flying high and straight and it is repeatable in any lie. Could this be right? or am I taking a shortcut that won't be good later.
quote:Originally posted by birdie_man

2 months?

Ahahahahhaha......that's torture! Good god.


Clubface is prolly too open...i.e. overroll + way underplane......then you kinda "hit at it".....i.e. add right arm thrust.......and you're screwed.....that hosel stays pointing right at the ball.

Tend to agree with birde_man. Check your not getting stuck behind as your mention of having trouble clearing the lower body could be a sign of being below plane, especially if you tend to whip the club inside on the backswing.
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