fixing "pop-out" - with the Soft Draw pattern

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I've made good progress with the SD.

My problem shot has been an occasional weak wipe or slight pull. A post by Brian earlier this week (about outside path producing a more open face) popped into my head and I thought I must still have too much pop-out on the take-away? I decide to see how much I can exaggerate the inside path by trying to hit my right pocket on take-away (per SD video).

I start killing the ball on the range feeling like the clubhead comes back on almost a 45 degree angle to target line. Was I this far off still? I have to rush from range to play 9 friday and 9 today and hit the best wedges of my life. And outstanding drives where I can really snap and not worry about pulls.

While I am playing today, I begin thinking about that Rocco Mediate take-away in the Open. When I get home, I start watching Rocco on Youtube. He really is very close to SD pattern isn't he?

Is anyone else feeling like the SD take-away is extreme inside? Does this just likely seem extreme to me because I had so much pop-out on backswing? Any thoughts?
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Is anyone else feeling like the SD take-away is extreme inside? Does this just likely seem extreme to me because I had so much pop-out on backswing? Any thoughts?

I had been working, with good success, on the SD pattern. I thought I was taking it back very inside. During my lesson with Brian last week, my main mistake was not taking it back inside enough. Brian 'posed' the backswing for me and it felt like he was making me take the club back into some completely crazy place. I hit the ball GREAT from there. In particular, it let me hit the driver from a completely different (and much better position).

So I think, yes, it SEEMS extreme to you, and it does for me, probably because you've never really taken it back inside, and never really swung right very much. For me, at this point, I can NOT take it too far inside. Obviously that can change down the road and I'll need to correct in the other way, but for now....

Brian Manzella


This guy makes a TEXTBOOK "Soft Draw Pattern" swing, but with a slightly "fade" finish.

But the NON POP OUT is P E R F E C T !!!

This guy make a TEXTBOOK "Soft Draw Pattern" swing, but with a slightly "fade" finish.

But the NON POP OUT is P E R F E C T !!!

Yeah, I've watched that clip a lot, Brian!

Question about it. Maybe it's the angle, but when you are showing the take-away with Adam it looks like the club is a little more in front (towards target line) of hands and hands closer to body. Just a different camera angle? I seem to do better for now maybe overdoing this hands in/club out that seems more Rocco and less Jack?? What helps you move more towards Nicklaus-like and away from a more exaggerated hands in/club out position early in backswing?
For instance "pop out."

It means something to MY TEACHING, I define it in MY VIDEO, and around these parts (and maybe others), it is understood by all.

When a "Golfing Machine " term is best, we use it. When the TERM has been bastardized, or marketed elsewhere as something besides what I would use in my teaching, we JUNK it.

So, a poster, meaning well, tries to interject some TGM-terms in this thread. The result was INSTANT confusion.

You are right. I was confused by the other poster's comments. I edited my reply.

Using the SD video language - I feel like i am now pulling my hands more inside than they would be on a more natural "back-and-forth/left-handed swing then right handed swing motion" and that I hit the ball better right now doing that and that this makes me look more like Adam in the video than Jack in the video above. Am I way off base here?
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Nicklaus thought he took it back "precisely straight away from the ball" eh.

@ about 00:41.....hmmmmm...

I know that you are most likely familiar with his book Golf My Way. In the chapter on the takeaway, he wants the golfer to use a one piece takeaway and he stresses to take the club back "precisely straight away from the ball" for only the first six inches and then let the club go where the turning shoulders and arms take it where it needs to go.
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I know that you are most likely familiar with his book Golf My Way. In the chapter on the takeaway, he wants the golfer to use a one piece takeaway and he stresses to take the club back "precisely straight away from the ball" for only the first six inches and then let the club go where the turning shoulders and arms take it where it needs to go.

Yesyes..........all I meant though magic was that in that clip it didn't look at all like what he was describing.....

.....or what I would think someone with that intent would look like.
Yesyes..........all I meant though magic was that in that clip it didn't look at all like what he was describing.....

.....or what I would think someone with that intent would look like.

Ah yes! I see what you are getting at!

I think also, one must be careful to note that Jack seldom attempted to hit any shot straight. He preferred to fade the ball, but could work it either way. In doing so, it could appear that the club would not be traveling "precisely straight away from the ball", but slightly inside or outside the ball-target line. True to his swing path however. Gotta love his swing!
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