my flat backswing is killing my game!! Injured my left shoulder a few yeas ago and was for a time unable to raise my left arm above shoulder level - the swing became VERY flat and painfull. After recuperating I'm able to life my arm during a practice backswing (get it perfectly into the 'slot') but my brain resisted when I intend to hit the ball and it all goes flat as a lizard drinking!! My hands go away from my body as I start, the club begins to go behind me and therefore the club tends to swing AROUND my shoulders rather than up and over them! Having played off 4 for years I still have the ability to get the club on the ball, but the results are inconsistent and it just LOOKS ugly. I've seen it on video and have had several pro's try to fix it with no success. I've tried simply 'putting' the club in position and delaying the downswing until I feel it's in the slot, but that removes all the rhythm from the swing and is very inconsistent. If anyone can help I'll try anything!! If necessary I might be able to post a video for anyone who thinks they can help.