flat backswing

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my flat backswing is killing my game!! Injured my left shoulder a few yeas ago and was for a time unable to raise my left arm above shoulder level - the swing became VERY flat and painfull. After recuperating I'm able to life my arm during a practice backswing (get it perfectly into the 'slot') but my brain resisted when I intend to hit the ball and it all goes flat as a lizard drinking!! My hands go away from my body as I start, the club begins to go behind me and therefore the club tends to swing AROUND my shoulders rather than up and over them! Having played off 4 for years I still have the ability to get the club on the ball, but the results are inconsistent and it just LOOKS ugly. I've seen it on video and have had several pro's try to fix it with no success. I've tried simply 'putting' the club in position and delaying the downswing until I feel it's in the slot, but that removes all the rhythm from the swing and is very inconsistent. If anyone can help I'll try anything!! If necessary I might be able to post a video for anyone who thinks they can help.
You can play flat... Kuchar, Allen Doyle, Trevino, Hogan, and on and on. Just need matching components coming down; centered pivot, good lag, high right side, maybe a little weaker grip. So many possibilities to complement flat. A video would be good.
It's amazing how injury can mess you up even after you recover. I've had a lot of trouble with my left knee (I have something in common with Tiger :] ) and plantar fasciitis in the left foot. I've developed a lot of compensations that are proving hard to get rid of even though physically I'm fine now.

Best advice, post your swing and get some in person help with someone that knows what they are doing :)
Have similar thing - super flat b/swing.

I put more club in the palm of my left hand - and had less angle between left arm and club.

Feels wrong, but looks and works better and means less 'waiting' in downswing.


Thanks for the understanding response!! first time I've used a forum, and had no less than 7 replies - all of which are worth thinking about. I will post a video as soon as our current wet weather allows me to take it and perhaps allow you and other guys to comment further. Will get a front on shot as well as from the side. Look forward to hearing from you once it's posted. Many thanks, Roger


Appreciate the reply Oldpro! first time I've used a forum, and had no less than 7 replies - all of which are worth thinking about. I will post a video as soon as our current wet weather allows me to take it and perhaps allow you and other guys to comment further. Will get a front on shot as well as from the side. Look forward to hearing from you once it's posted. Many thanks, Roger


Thanks for the comedy!! I was actually knicknamed after Sir Afl Ramsey who was the manager of the English soccer team who won the World Cup back in 1966. Anyway - this was the first time I've used a forum, and had no less than 7 replies - all of which are worth thinking about. I will post a video as soon as our current wet weather allows me to take it and perhaps allow you and other guys to comment further. Will get a front on shot as well as from the side. Look forward to hearing from you once it's posted. Many thanks, Roger


Thanks Jim - I have indeed tried the wall swing, but my brain insists that my shoulder still hurts and regardless of how many times I make a practice backswing (and indeed - when I have no intention of hitting the ball my backswing is almost perfect!!) when I intend to hit the ball I STILL go flat on the way back!? And I mean REALLY flat!! This is the first time I've used a forum, and had no less than 7 replies - all of which are worth thinking about. I will post a video as soon as our current wet weather allows me to take it and perhaps allow you and other guys to comment further. Will get a front on shot as well as from the side. Look forward to hearing from you once it's posted. Many thanks, Roger


Thanks Brendan - not quite sure what you mean by more club in the left hand? Do you mean having the grip at less of an angle across the first finger joints (more at a right angle in the palm of the hand?). This is the first time I've used a forum, and had no less than 7 replies - all of which are worth thinking about. I will post a video as soon as our current wet weather allows me to take it and perhaps allow you and other guys to comment further. Will get a front on shot as well as from the side. Look forward to hearing from you once it's posted. Many thanks, Roger


PS Jim - I guessing you're saying NOT to make a down swing because of the possibility of hitting the wall? Roger
Alf - to explain a bit differently.

If I put the club in my left hand lifeline (e.g.) a chipping grip and take a backswing, the 'hands out, clubhead in' look is not there.

If I grip it right out in the fingers of my left hand, the 'hands out, clubhead in' is definitely there.

A lot of grip articles say get the club in the fingers of the left hand, but I think it can be overdone. I have v.large hands, and if I grip it out in the fingers, I get a massive inside takeaway and flat backswing.
Question: is the unusual hands out/clubhead in look related to having too much wrist cock in the backswing?

Any teachers want to give their opinion on how much wrist cock and/or wrist cock feeling there ought to be in the backswing.


Very often you need to exaggerate a movement to even make a small difference to the actual golf swing.

In my own case,I used to have a flat backswing and I need to feel like the butt of the club points behind my feet halfway into the backswing when my left arm is parallel to the ground,almost like I am getting in position to hit a home run.On camera though,I am nowhere near that steep and pretty much on plane.
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