flat backswing

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Very often you need to exaggerate a movement to even make a small difference to the actual golf swing.

In my own case,I used to have a flat backswing and I need to feel like the butt of the club points behind my feet halfway into the backswing when my left arm is parallel to the ground,almost like I am getting in position to hit a home run.On camera though,I am nowhere near that steep and pretty much on plane.

Agreed. I practiced against a wall to get the feel, then reproduced that FEEL in my swing. It FEELS so much better (and steeper), contact & ball flight is much improved, but on camera, its barely noticeable (guess I still have some work to do).


Agreed. I practiced against a wall to get the feel, then reproduced that FEEL in my swing. It FEELS so much better (and steeper), contact & ball flight is much improved, but on camera, its barely noticeable (guess I still have some work to do).

Don't stand too close to the wall.What you want is to guard against whipping the clubhead inside the hands too soon and getting the butt end to point behind you early will help with that but as you're about to reach the top you want to start preparing to flatten out the club in the transition to set up the tumble into impact.You will bash the wall if you do that.The wall is only for the first half of the backswing.


Hi Lindsey - I've taken a couple of videos, pretty awful to watch!! Surprising that I do in fact get a reasonable result most of the time??!! Roger. Do you know if I can simply post the video in this forum or do I have to post it on utube or something similar and then provide a URL?
Hi Lindsey - I've taken a couple of videos, pretty awful to watch!! Surprising that I do in fact get a reasonable result most of the time??!! Roger. Do you know if I can simply post the video in this forum or do I have to post it on utube or something similar and then provide a URL?

You'll need to put in on YouTube or some other hosting site and either embed the video, or provide the link. You can use the handy little icons right above where you type your replys to do so.
Been thinking this flat backwing/wall stuff over.

I think Steve Stricker would hit the wall a bit. Brian’s student Lindsey Gahm would DEFINITELY hit the wall. I also think Anthony Kim would hit the wall.

(Martin Kaymer would never hit the wall in a million years).

But they obviously all play great golf. So the wall is not always necessary.

However: Stricker and Lindsey Gahm seem to have very little wrist cock in the backswing.

(I've been playing with a flat backswing - which is natural for me with very good results. Because I was never able to 'cure' the flat Backswing. But a flat backswing + lots of wrist action in the BS is a disaster).

Anyone got ideas on why this works? What is the relationship between wrist action and backswing plane?

(EDIT: In particular, I am interested in what Lyndsey's downswing thoughts/style is).
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Nothing is natural in the golf swing, it's just what you learned that worked. Never said using "the wall" was necessary; however for a lot of people playing from an overly flat swing is troublesome. Some can getaway with it but a lot can't and will struggle.

Also flat backswing doesn't have much to do with your wristcock, has to do with how much you turn your lead arm.
Jim - natural is a bad word, and too flat is no good obviously. But if I try to swing upright, I lose everything - it is un-golflike. I have not figured out why yet but suspect roll and wrist cock relate. By not cocking wrists, the clubhead is less likely to 'flop' behind wrists in backswing.

Lindsey - Whack! This backswing hits the wall!

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Hi Lindsey - thanks again for your interest - I'm not only struggling with my swing but also this forum site!! Never been a computer guy. Could you tell me two things...how do I respond in one message to all of the guys who've been kind enough to respond, and have I correctly sited the video on uTube? the url I see is YouTube - ‪golf backswing - flattest ever??‬‏. uTube appears to want me to make some 'subscriptions'? Many thanks, Roger
I'm no swing expert but I'd guess that people will comment on your over rotation of your left arm flying wedge.


The video link works......to respond to many posts at one time you need to use the multi-quote button (the little button on the bottom right corner of the post, looks like "+) You will press that button on each of the posts you want to quote and respond to, and when you get to the last post that you want to quote just press "reply with quote". This way they will all show up in one post and you can answer all of them at once.
Am finding that I have to make what feels like a 'no turn' backswing to get upright. It's more like a 'stretch' than a 'mechanical' turn. The chest feels like it stays over the ball and getting 'up the wall' requires an 'arms only' backswing' with the arms pulling the torso at the end.

I guess this is all laid out in NHA but has taken a long time to understand.

I think there is a difference between 'shoulder turn' - which I always took to mean both shoulders turning in tandem with the chest - and 'shoulder motion' in the backswing and I think Project 1.68 will have interesting things to say on this issue.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Brendan, you are learning that to get your arms UP in the swing you actually have to LIFT THEM. That's why it feels weird, you've probably just relied on some turning and mild elbow bending to get the club "up" to its current position. But to get the club up above your shoulder in a not too flat position you have to LIFT THEM, physically. It isn't an "arms only" swing, you are still using your body but you are also using your arms to get into a position where you can attack.
Sorry it took me while to get this thread Alf. Any way, if I were to give you one thing to focus on it would be be to keep your right arm above your left and feel like the face is looking at the ball all the way to the top. It will feel super wide and outside. Do nothing else until you learn to hit the ball well feeling that and then post some new video. I would like to see how you respond to that. Just my thoughts
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