Me and Birdie and some other pals of mine.
When I worked full-time at the New Orleans City Park Driving Range, I NEVER EVER "hustled" the tee-line.
There were
26 independent teachers there at one point, and they all cut each others throats every day. But mostly mine.
There was basically only a few ways to get lessons:
#1. Pay off the cashiers
#2. Work for the house
#3. Hustle the tee line
#4. Have people ask you for a card or a lesson
#5. Word of mouth
I hit balls at, and worked as a "ball-boy" at, the "Range" for years before I taght there. I vowed I would never PAY OFF anyone for lessons (I never have) and I would never "hawk" the stalls (Not my style).
I made my living—and got my new students—by strickly be OUT TEACHING the other guys so. By doing so I would:
A. Have people ask me for a card or a lesson, and
B. Have positive word of mouth.
Why do I bring any of this up?
Because I am STILL the same old Brian.
I don't recruit students.
And I don't recruit "followers" either.
I don't PM people and say things like: "I can really help you, just come work with me." Or: "If you
me on this website and others, I'll help you with your game and understanding of the swing."
But, **NEWFLASH**, others
How do I know? The "recruited" who "defected" to the Manzella-side of the street TOLD ME.
So, where you see guys like Paul (Birdie Man) who look like they follow what I say more than some other teacher, IT WAS STRICKLY BECUASE THEY FIGURED OUT ON THEIR OWN THAT MY STUFF WAS WHAT THEY THOUGHT WAS BEST.
If you want help with your game, I can help you with posts, free videos, pay videos, lessons or schools.
But that is YOUR buying decision.
If you like what I have to say on this site, and you want to learn from it, and defend it when it is unfairly slammed, I thank you very much for your support.
But I don't recruit followers.
I just do my best and try (really hard everyday) to get BETTER at what I do.