Swing is good motion but if the grip has a flaw teh left hand looks a little stronger than "manzella neutral"... Do you think that you drift to abnormally strong left hand during play? I t looks stronger in the swing video than in your posed still...If so then you get towards :-
The Right Wrist is Vertical and the Left Wrist is Turned to the top of the Clubshaft so that the Left Wristcocking motion will be on the same line as the Right Wrist Bend. The #3 Pressure Point and the leftft thumb are also on the same line as the Right Wrist Bend - Double Action same as 10-2-C.
Very compatible with Cut Shot procedures. Any Left Wrist Bend at Impact Fix should be maintained throughout the Stroke.
This Grip Type features maximum Wristcocking action and strong sup¬port for both Acceleration and Impact loads. The palm of the Right Hand moves toward Impact exactly like a paddle-wheel rotating On Plane - no separate Rolling Motion until after Impact. (See 10-10-C.)"
I have never studied this section of TGM much but it looks that if you have any feel of full roll with this grip then you will close you clubface and tend towards hooking... you can probably afford a small roll of left arm through impact because your left hand grip is not fully turned to plane but full roll and hooks come...