Flat or Steeper shoulder turn

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I'm working really hard on my swing this winter and I've realized that some days I have a flat shoulder turn and some days it gets way steeper.

For the flat turn, I concentrate on keeping the face very square and then turn away and turn through.

For the steeper turn, on the downswing, I try to pull my hands and shaft down a line parallel to the target line as hard as I can with my pivot and arms.

Ballstriking wise, they're both as consistant/inconsistant as each other, so there's no preference there really. The steeper turn feels more dynamic, but takes quite a toll on my back because of the axis tilt. The flat turn doesn't feel as dynamic and but also feel that my clubhead speed is less.

How should I figure out which one to concentrate on?

Thank you!
I would like to know the answer to this question as well as the BMan pattern associated with a flatter turn vs. a steeper turn. I wonder if there is evidence that our bodies weren't designed for movement while bent over and turning (the more bent over the easier it is to have a steeper shoulder turn). My body works well and has little stress when turing while we're standing up, not bent over. I don't swing standing up.
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