Flipper Question - Wrists......

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tank.....doubled is right. Check some pictures and you'll see a lot of it on Tour.

Believe it or not, it doesn't have to have anything to do with flipping. (he's talkin POST Seperation)


Thanks guys. I'll take you at your word unless a higher authority says otherwise.

birdie, I still can't find evidence of this. any chance you can point me to any pics' or videos on the web

Brian Manzella

Doubled in 100% correct!

In a "Pure Swinging" procedure, the left wrist bends post impact.

When it bends has a LOT to do with BALL CONTACT and GROUND CONTACT.
after viewing Flipper and NSA I seem have gotten to the point where i maintain the FLW (and maybe a slightly bowed position) all the way through to the finish. i feel somewhat steep through impact and am taking rather big divots. is it ever ideal to intentionally put a little bend in the left wrist post impact? or is this just a case of spine angle at impact to fix the "steepness"? it does seem to me that very few tour players have a FLW at the finish.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I agree with you that the left wrist breaks post impact. In terms of the separation issue, yeah the ball is gone, I understand. But envisioning and then executing a certain type of followthrough can certainly assist in achieving a desired shot shape. You don't agree with this?

I agree 100%.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Thanks guys. I'll take you at your word unless a higher authority says otherwise.

birdie, I still can't find evidence of this. any chance you can point me to any pics' or videos on the web

Search this forum for Tom Bartlett swings. Brian refers to him as a superior ball striker. If you frame by frame them you can clearly see the left wrist break down after impact.....but it sure is flat approaching and thru the ball.
Let your left wrist do whatever it wants or needs to do past impact. It doesn't matter at all.

That sums it up for me. Hogan had a bowed left wrist at impact, yet he hit hard with the right hand.

He said the left hand has no role to play in a golf swing, apart from NOT BREAKING DOWN AT IMPACT. After impact,you can wrap it round your head like Daly or pose nonchalently like Els,it doesn't matter.

However, Harvey Penick and others were/are grea believers i getting into the impact position and working bacwards, therefore an undertsanding of what is happening is desired.

Personally, I think the problem stems way before impact, power is lost because the release is to early. A pro can deal with this, Watson had an early release, Hogan late, Nicklaus somewhere in the middle. I just don't think there is one position that suits all. What is desired is too time the head square at impact, the left wrist isn't the solution imo, its sympton.
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"Let your left wrist do whatever it wants or needs to do past impact. It doesn't matter at all."

Yup.....unless you get someone who needs a full roll ala NSA.

i.e. unless you need to educate someone's hands

What characterizes a good golfer is the fact that the left wrist doesn't bend after impact.


Note Ernie Els' flat left wrist.

In fact, the left wrist remains flat well into the late followthrough, and it can remain flat even when the arms reach shoulder height in the followthrough - see photo of Nick Faldo below.




You need to go see an optician mate...:)
Ernies left wrist is clearly starting to cup in the photo, as evidenced by the flatmess of his right hand and forearm.....
You can't have one without the other boss....
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