Forefingers down shaft

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Tell me Ringer, if both hands are on the club, how could they NOT move simultaneously?....
Wow.. talk about completely missing the point. If you glaringly missed the point of what that little experiment was, then there's no point in even continuing this conversation because you're convinced of your theory reguardless of the comments made by other.

blah blah blah.. irrelevant point being made. Writer didn't bother with my example so I'm not bothering with his.
Wow.. talk about completely missing the point. If you glaringly missed the point of what that little experiment was, then there's no point in even continuing this conversation because you're convinced of your theory reguardless of the comments made by other.

You still didn't answer my question Ringer...

How can the hands NOT move simultaneously when they are both locked together on the club?...

Please answer...(anyone?).....

And Ringer, please clarify to me what "the point" was...assume I am an 8-year old and try and explain it clearly instead of trying to insult me...
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Puttmad.. here you sit accusing me of not answering your question when you just ignored mine. Furthermore you are not my student and I will not treat you like one. I will treat you like anyone else dispensing information that I do not agree with.

Your SHOULDERS must turn if your hands stay together and you don't bend your elbows. That's the point. Just one hand doing the back and forth proves absolutely nothing about the shoulders during a putting stroke.
Puttmad.. here you sit accusing me of not answering your question when you just ignored mine. Furthermore you are not my student and I will not treat you like one. I will treat you like anyone else dispensing information that I do not agree with.

Your SHOULDERS must turn if your hands stay together and you don't bend your elbows. That's the point. Just one hand doing the back and forth proves absolutely nothing about the shoulders during a putting stroke.


You asked "NOW do your shoulders turn?" and I answered "No", So how was I ignoring the question matey?...

Now, after the fact, you add to the movement the fact that your elbows are locked...
I didn't say anything about the elbows being locked...

The point of the A-B exercise was to show up the fact that you don't need to turn your shoulders to move your hands 6 inches. And you don't. The fact that you need to bend your right elbow is irrelevant.

Unfortunately, it seems you think you need to lock your elbows to have a good putting stroke....

I think a lot of very good putters would disagree with you there...

Re. "I will treat you like anyone else dispensing information that I do not agree with."

Which includes insulting anyone you don't agree with?...oh my!.....

"If you never drive past where you have driven to before, you will never get any further."...
Some great putters like who?

Two guys plagued with poor putting because of their elbows bending during the stroke..

Sergio Garcia
Davis Love III
and occasionally Philly Mick. Watch the strokes where they pull or push. You'll see elbows bending.

Faxon.. solid elbows, shoulder stroke.
Tiger.. solid elbows, shoulder stroke.
Padrig Harrington.. same. Excellent putter of the ball.

Tiger.. solid elbows, shoulder stroke.
Padrig Harrington.. same. Excellent putter of the ball.

We don't get to see Faxon over here too much, so I can't comment on him, but I have still seen the two above pull and push on occasion...not Tiger so much, but Harrington quite often..
How does that figure then?...

So only a handful of players (who practice out of their skulls (Padraig has a Puttlab in his home!)) out of millions that try to perfect this stroke can pull it off with any kind of consistency...

Sorry mate I just don't like those odds...

Oh and the players who will bend their elbows, start with Utley's crew...
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