Freakin' Daly.....

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Man, if there was ever a guy that I've pulled for, in spite of's J.D.

But frankly, I've given up on the dude. It's not entertaining any's sad and sorry.

I understand the disease and demons he's possessed with....wrestled with them some myself. But, grow up dude! Help is out there for you and you are wasting too much talent and life at an extremely fast pace. I think the dude is on a death mission. And....I no longer think he is "cool".
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I agree with everything you say, however he needs to want to change.......and besides its his life isn't it.
I'm surprised he lasted as long and won as much as he has. Golf is the ultimate game of discipline and he has none in his life. Makes you wonder if he was a different person when he was younger(when he was winning and not as obese) and was negatively affected by fame and money.
I'm reading "The Scorecard Always Lies" by CHris Lewis right now (a very good book I might add) and in it he mentions that Daly's father was/is an alcoholic and even went so far as to point a loaded shot gun at his head once, so I think that the issues started a long time ago. It's really pretty sad, I know that he gives a lot to charity and seems like a nice guy overall. It is sad to say, but I get this feeling that his life is going to end in a tragic way and much too soon. I sincerely hope that I am wrong.
its sad. however i feel more for people like David Duval and Freddy C

i know freddy has got a real bad back, but not sure i know whats up with duval. his form dropped badly and hasnt played much over lsat few years. shame because i love his swing.

anyone care to inform me?
Perhaps Harmon's motivation is to save Daly's life. I am aware of some of what goes on in his inner circle of "friends" and they just hand him another bottle hoping the gravy train stays chugging along. Actually, they remind me of what I've heard about Elvis' Memphis Mafia, classic enablers and hangers on. Butch was probably trying some way to get JD's attention before he hits the ultimate rock bottom. Truly a waste of talent.
Poor Oheir and Imada, were not allowed to play the tournament now -because they were alternates not on site when JD fail to show. Love him / hate him.......hes JD.

My only problem was I needed another B player in my fantsy golf picks.......
No matter how many times John plays out this senseless act, we should pray for him and his family. Especially pray for all the kidos. The PGA tour is slipping from his grasp, but that is meaningless in the big picture. How far to the point of no return? None of us knows.
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I wonder what Harmon had in mind, releasing this to the press. What's his motivation?

1. To show Daly that he doesn't play that. How often do you think people with power say no to JD. The man has gotten more undeserved sponsor's exemptions in the last 2 years in the history of the game.

2. Harmon has a responsibility to his other players. Aside from this Daly junk and the occasional mention of being Tiger's former coach, Harmon is never in the news. His clients probably prefer it that way.
I feel really bad for John and yes...

it is up to him to seek help, which he seems to feel he doesn't need.

All I'm saying is....I used to root for the guy. I liked his anti-robotic, golf personality....his swashbuckling demeanor.

While I hope a light goes off and he does get help, I can't support him as a "fan" any longer. He's way overboard.

I saw his interview on the golf channel last night. He wished Butch would have called him vs. going public. I'm kind of glad B.H. went public instead. If there truly were good intentions in doing it, I doubt they are going to help though.
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Politically Incorrect!

Butch's dad Claude(who he was named after) was a raging alcoholic in his latter years.I'm sure that Butch has already seen this movie play out and doesn't want to revisit it.

John Daly is an alcoholic and needs help.Daly thinks he can't drink Jack Daniels any more but beer is okay.

I'm glad Butch didn't sugar coat his words and spoke up in this politically correct world we live in.
As someone that enjoys a good drink...

There's a lot of difference between spirits and beer. You can be a alcoholic on both but....3 beers is nothing like 3 rounds of J.D.
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