If you look at some old clips of Arnold Palmer he takes divots with his driver which is proof you NEVER hit up on the driver.
In the book the impact zone by Bobby Clampett he said you never hit up on the driver and showed pictures of tour players hitting down on a driver. Also he made a test with one of those swing robots and he said that the ball flew about 8-12 yard further by hitting down. He was coached by Ben Doyle as a kid, also. What does Brian teach?
Are you saying swing level to the ball with a driver? I'm confused on the matter myself. After reading clampett's book my ball striking improved the next day. Its is what led me to this Manzella forum. Impact is the only thing that matters, everything else is window dressing. That is the most important thing in golf i have ever learned.
Is that why getting fit for a driver is so important?
Thanks. Didn't know it was optional to your swing
No more driver up/down debates, please, we've had enough.
Sorry Jim. I'm still learning.
Nicely put pecky. I never really thought of it like that.