From hackerdom to golfdom...finally making progress!

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Well, after trying about everything on the planet to get rid of my over the top, over accelerating, chicken wing, flipping swing.... I reached a point about two weeks ago when I about threw in the towel. Even though I had close to 10 hours with Brian, practice at the range every day, have all of Brian's videos and tons of others.....the swing just wasn't getting any better, and was in fact getting worse. In the 2+ years of starting to play this game, I must have put in 10 years of effort. If this is all I am capable of...I need a new hobby. Nothing was working CONSISTENTLY...twistaway, axis tilt, backswing pivot, downswing pivot, hit the wall, wedding ring up, etc... While it all helped some, I still had this ugly, inconsistent swing.

So, after a weekend off, I decided to give it one last attempt before regular golf became a once a year hobby.

I was at the range and remembering the premises of "Building Blocks", I stated with a basic chip motion and and pitching motion. In doing this, a light bulb went off. In most of Brian's videos and in my lessons with him....when he slow motions through the ball, he excentuates the "release" through the ball. Ah ha! Lights go on. I don't have this feel, motion, whatever through the ball. I direct all of my focus on hitting the ball and do not release properly. Not good.

So, in building blocks style, focused on the "release" through short chipping type motions and started to see magic happen. Moved to pitches, and could see on video...perfectly flat left wrist, bent right wrist, bent right elbow which straightens after impact. Posting on the left leg and swinging left was so much easier.

So, off to the full swing. For the life of Brian, he could not get me to swing easy in our lessons. I had so much "hit the ball anxiety" in me, I could not do a 50% swing. So, when I got up to practice the full swing, all I thought was do the release motion through the ball and post and pivot on the left leg. While I didn't execute 100% perfect shots on every swing, the change in the swing and common results was monsterous. I can now pose an impact position and swing as slow as I want to try and duplicate it. What I found though is that impact is mentally where I stopped. I need to pose impact and then to the release point. Major difference for me.

As a result of this simple point of focus, almost everything I've learned from Brian takes on a new light of application and understanding. I am in day 3 of working on this and people at the range are asking me what the hell I did to my swing. To them, it looks slower and smoother...very golf like. On video, it's not perfect but it's in a different league than before.

I'm going to work on it a couple more days then post some before and after video.

So, I'm glad I hung in there. Sometimes, the hardest things are solved by a simple degree of better understanding...especially in something as complicated as the golf swing. My natural instincts for hitting a golf ball would never produce consistent success. I can see where Brian was trying to lead me and I am getting there. I feel everything I have invested in Brian's lessons and videos have been well worth it.
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Don't give up. I really enjoy your posts and hearing of any progress you make. It's inspiring to everyone to read about someone working hard to get better at a game that initially was very difficult and didn't "come easily" like it has for some.

Keep us updated. :)
Way to go Bill!


Don't give up. I really enjoy your posts and hearing of any progress you make. It's inspiring to everyone to read about someone working hard to get better at a game that initially was very difficult and didn't "come easily" like it has for some.

Keep us updated. :)

Thanks for the pat on the back and the encouragement. I wrote that message last night and in reading it today, I almost feel like it's something you'd hear in a 12 step program. I guess that's what I've been on concerning my swing and the results it produced.

Yet, I'm glad to share the success and look forward to better results on the course. We'll see Friday and Sat.
So, in building blocks style, focused on the "release" through short chipping type motions and started to see magic happen. Moved to pitches, and could see on video...perfectly flat left wrist, bent right wrist, bent right elbow which straightens after impact. Posting on the left leg and swinging left was so much easier.

I did the same thing, "starting over" with Building Blocks in December. It has been very helpful in trying to learn to swing more freely (less torque in my swing, is that what we are saying now?) and get more flow into my swing.

So, off to the full swing. For the life of Brian, he could not get me to swing easy in our lessons. I had so much "hit the ball anxiety" in me, I could not do a 50% swing.

Getting rid of that "hit anxiety" is really, really hard for some. I know it has been very hard for me. I am still working on it.

I think I have improved a huge amount in the past six weeks on the "hit anxiety" by getting into a better backswing position (a nicely braced Manzella pivot) and learning how swing by letting my arms fall to start the downswing and then just catch the momentum of this fall with my pivot in as smooth a fashion as possible without interrupting the falling momentum. Creating an effortless feel. I try on the range to exaggerate the smoothness feel by hitting smoothly as possible with a slow swing speed and feeling like my arms float behind me as long as possible and then just drop.

Congratulations on your advances!
I've noticed the hit anxiety is gone if I focus on getting through the ball and to release point in a proper manner. This seems to magically put me in the correct back swing and down swing mode. What's amazing...I could start to more clearly see a lot of the things Brian worked on with me.

Another bad part of my swing is I kept spinning out on my left foot and right foot. Now, I am planting and posting on the left foot/leg and I can feel a really good turn through the ball. Just past release point, I can feel momentum taking me up into a proper finish mode. Never had this before!

Well, I just got a call and invited to play at a private club today. I guess we'll see if true congrats are in order. Not looking to shoot scratch but....I am looking for a solid improvement.

Getting rid of that "hit anxiety" is really, really hard for some. I know it has been very hard for me. I am still working on it.

I think I have improved a huge amount in the past six weeks on the "hit anxiety" by getting into a better backswing position (a nicely braced Manzella pivot) and learning how swing by letting my arms fall to start the downswing and then just catch the momentum of this fall with my pivot in as smooth a fashion as possible without interrupting the falling momentum. Creating an effortless feel. I try on the range to exaggerate the smoothness feel by hitting smoothly as possible with a slow swing speed and feeling like my arms float behind me as long as possible and then just drop.

Congratulations on your advances!
Good luck

Awesome Bill. Good luck with producing a permanent change. I deal with the same set of problems, so I will eagerly be watching your progress.


played golf Thurs and Friday (living in FL sucks, don't it?)...Thurs...too much stuff going through my head but...there was improvement. Friday...BIG GRIN!
I wish I could

I really would like to say something nasty to all you southern boys --

13 to 16 inches of more snow with 50 mph winds.

That will put us over the 90 inch mark for the year. We might see fairways here again by July.

Please play an extra round for me!
I really would like to say something nasty to all you southern boys --

13 to 16 inches of more snow with 50 mph winds.

That will put us over the 90 inch mark for the year. We might see fairways here again by July.

Please play an extra round for me!

OK, will do tomorrow! Actually, playing 24-36 tomorrow, Sorry!
Man....don't cha get it???

Enough with this "big grin!" stuff :).

How did you play??

The grinnin' cat is the mouse eater! Compared to the way I've played of late, I played well. Better Sunday than Friday by 3 more strokes (which was 10 strokes better than recent rounds).

Normally, I putt really well. But, I literally had 5 putts lip out. I could have been 18 strokes better than my avg. round of late but only ended up 13.

What I am finding is that it takes me a couple of holes to get going. Still lots of stuff going through the brain. As long as I focus on getting to that release point, magic happens.

Really, all I am trying to do is get from right hip down to left hip up in a certain manner...feel the release and end at a certain release point. The rest is just getting there and finishing after the release point (maybe my terminology...what I am talking about is through the ball to a certain point, follow-through and finish.)

I am hitting most shots with a lot of confidence. I >am< struggling with the driver. I am about 50/50 with it. 50% nice, predictable, playable drives and 50% praying they can be found or are not OB. Snap hooks happen more than I like.

Other than the driver, I have a lot more confidence with all clubs....including fw woods, long irons, mid irons, short irons and wedges.
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