Brian Manzella
"Brian, this is the problem I have with 'everyone and TGM'. If you going to teach TGM or are you using TGM to teach a golfer? I believe you are the latter from what I read, saw and heard.
If someone asks to be taught TGM that IMO is different that someone asking to be taught a golf stroke.
TGM offers two patterns, if one was to teach purely TGM, then I would expect that is what is taught. Now why a golfer would want to learn one or both of them other than to learn TGM, I don't know why. Most golfers show up with something to begin with and junking all of the that to start from scratch seems wrong. An instructor learning both of them, learning the various variations of the components and learning how to integrate them may be an exercise that is worth while, but that IMO doesn't mean the insturctor teaches one or both of them to every golfer who shows up to the tee.
I just really see that there are two patterns, that have been identified as TGM without adjustments ( no compensations).
TGM is very clear that it is 'your golf storke' and that there are quadrillions of golf strokes that can be identified in the TGM catalog, but only two patterns that have been identified as uncompensated.
I will appologize in advance if the following is incorrect, but when I am asked about what Brian Manzella teaches, is it TGM, I respond say no he doesn't teach TGM, the Instruction is based on TGM but he will teach you how to swing better, not a particular stroke pattern or how he swings."
Good Golfing
"Brian, this is the problem I have with 'everyone and TGM'. If you going to teach TGM or are you using TGM to teach a golfer? I believe you are the latter from what I read, saw and heard.
If someone asks to be taught TGM that IMO is different that someone asking to be taught a golf stroke.
TGM offers two patterns, if one was to teach purely TGM, then I would expect that is what is taught. Now why a golfer would want to learn one or both of them other than to learn TGM, I don't know why. Most golfers show up with something to begin with and junking all of the that to start from scratch seems wrong. An instructor learning both of them, learning the various variations of the components and learning how to integrate them may be an exercise that is worth while, but that IMO doesn't mean the insturctor teaches one or both of them to every golfer who shows up to the tee.
I just really see that there are two patterns, that have been identified as TGM without adjustments ( no compensations).
TGM is very clear that it is 'your golf storke' and that there are quadrillions of golf strokes that can be identified in the TGM catalog, but only two patterns that have been identified as uncompensated.
I will appologize in advance if the following is incorrect, but when I am asked about what Brian Manzella teaches, is it TGM, I respond say no he doesn't teach TGM, the Instruction is based on TGM but he will teach you how to swing better, not a particular stroke pattern or how he swings."
Good Golfing