Full Wedge shot - leading edge or mid sole?

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I've been experimenting with what i understand is the mid-sole pitch. Works wonders from mid to short range.

Assuming a normal lie etc and you are within a full swing wedge shot distance when would you use the leading edge type shot versus mid-sole?

Thanks in advance.
Assuming a normal lie etc and you are within a full swing wedge shot distance when would you use the leading edge type shot versus mid-sole?

Personally, I would always use leading edge for this shot. There are probably better players out there who would have a condition under which they'd play this shot mid-sole, but I think most people want to learn to hit their short irons with a bit of forward lean. And for full shots, I personally don't see the benefits of learning a 'mid-sole' short iron shot.
Personally, I would always use leading edge for this shot. There are probably better players out there who would have a condition under which they'd play this shot mid-sole, but I think most people want to learn to hit their short irons with a bit of forward lean. And for full shots, I personally don't see the benefits of learning a 'mid-sole' short iron shot.

I agree, if I do a midsole on a full wedge I hit moon balls and it is really hard to control the distance.
Either, learn the distance of both shots and use when appropriate. I have "mid soled" 8 irons 100 yards before

How about an 8 iron 182 yards a million miles in the air with spin stopping on a surface that others couldn't stop wedges?

I couldn't resist. That really was an amazing shot under the circumstances and a gutsy one by Tiger.

I think Jim is right, practicing both would be helpful. A mid sole would be a higher softer shot and the leading edge a little more spin.
Thanks for the replies.

The one that really gets me is the 60-70m shots into the green. I've taken to playing them as a half swing with my PW, almost mid sole style rather than a lot of foward lean - barely no divot.

I've found this more reliable than a full swing with a LW or SW
Full swing LWs or any kind weird me out a little. I think it is the combo of high loft/low bounce.

Mid-sole full wedges weird me out a little too. I don't like the Fluffers.

Then again, you could probably do well enough with...forward lean and as little as possible downward strike...?

(on certain shots?)

It is pretty normal to hit down on shorter clubs more, as we know from Brian.

I want to get better with mid-sole shots. Sometimes I'll just open the face at address (within my normal grip) if I want higher.
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