Does anyone seriously think about circles and ellipses when they swing??
This is a very important question.
No, a player should think very little, if at all, about circles, ellipses, d-plane, parametric acceleration, and some of the other fun subjects that are analysized around here.
The teacher needs to know, or at least should try, to have a working knowledge of what works, why, and how.
The player who is trying to self diagnose and work on his/her game should have a working knowledge if away from a competent teacher. There are many of that ilk around here.
This subject is the next layer to analyse behind d-plane and ball flight work. Does the player hit the back of the ball or the inside aft quadrant? Feel vs real? What affects curvature/trajectory from a hand path, arm rotation,shoulder hinging, thoracic tilting/turning, and hip rotation/tilting standpoint?
This question, and this forum because of questions like this, are important adjuncts to our work on 1.68.
But no, flip the switch, for the most part, when you go play!