Getting better via long distance

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Hello everyone, I'm looking for insight from those that take lessons long distance. I'm going to get lessons this year and I'm trying to figure out what to do. I've been on this site for several years and have followed Brian's teachings. Being frustrated with my "great playing 1 day/bad playing next day" type of golf I HAVE to work with someone. I don't carry an official HDCP but at the course I play I would have to put me at around 12. My dilemma is DISTANCE. How good can I get with only seeing Brian once a year? With my HDCP, I have a feeling I would need multiple sessions per year. With Brian being so far away I just can't see myself traveling that much (time and money). I REALLY want to get as GOOD as I can, what do you recommend? What do you do?

I have taken a couple of lessons long distance and have received lots of great info. This week I am coming up on what I perceive as the big one...the "package" manzella special lesson with B. I fully anticipate that I will receive all of the knowledge/things to work on that I need, for the next year or few months, coming this weekend. Ill let you know how it goes, but my gut feeling says that it will be money well better be;). My advice, find someone really good that you trust and do whatever you have too, drive 3000 miles if you have too, fly a continent if you have too, whatever it takes. If your serious about playing well, which you say you are, this is what you will do. I think you already knew the answer to the question, you asked because you needed validation..which is kind of funny, eh? I have mucho experience with this, but in another field, in music.I made a trip 3 years ago that changed my life in music and I haven't looked back since, maybe you need to do the same in Golf. Good Luck. Peace.
Needing validation? No, not really. My question is basically how good can I get with only 1 lesson per year. I'm trying to figure out if I should find a local guy that I can see several times throughout the season or Brian once per year. I know others are in the same boat and I'm curious what they do/recommend.
OK, you see Brian once, he fixes you, then you go see Joe down the street and he tells you to work on something else????What do you do?? Listen to the guy that KNOWs what he's talking about or the guy that THINKS he knows what he's talking about? BTW...I know that Brian only works with alot of players once a year, and Im sure that Brian and that student rehash the same sort of things year after year. Thats all Im sayin', but what do I know,right? Sorry for the validation accusation, if thats how you took it.
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I know that Brian only works with alot of players once a year

That's why I asked the question. I'm looking for advice from "these people". My concern is that I see Brian, hit it great for 3 weeks, and then lose it. Then what? If I was a 3 HDCP I don't think it would be as big of a problem. But being a 12, I have a feeling once a year won't be enough. But I DON'T KNOW, that's why I'm asking. I'm not second guessing Brian's work, it's ALL about DISTANCE.
couple of questions

curtis i know you are dedicated and want to be the best you can

2 questions

has bman seem any video of your swing???

as for money.....i think brian charges 150 an hour

but i dont feel thats accurate...i will explain

2nd question.......if brian offered you 3 lessons for price of 1 would you GO???

here is my thinking......bman is so quick at analyizing

and dejunking.....and giving you want you can work with. its like 3 lessons in 1

just my opinion.....

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I saw brian 3 times in about 3 years and then i started to teach; each time was 6hrs...3 hours on a saturday and 3 hours on a sunday. Everything in between was a lot of hard practice and tinkering.
I apologize for not be qualified to answer your question, I was only trying to help..I hope you find a sensible, common sense answer to your question.
I saw brian 3 times in about 3 years and then i started to teach; each time was 6hrs...3 hours on a saturday and 3 hours on a sunday. Everything in between was a lot of hard practice and tinkering.

Jim, I know you are not a 12. I would bet you had a fairly solid swing before, maybe not. Do you think a persons HDCP matters regarding # of sessions per season? I know it all depends on the golfer but I'm just thinking the higher HDCP would mean higher inconsistency and more things to work on. Maybe I'm just over analyzing everything. All I know is that I've come to a point in my "career" that I have to make a change. Otherwise this damn sport is going to put me on meds.

dont gave a good was your answer to his question...

never say your sorry for honesty

dont gave a good was your answer to his question...

never say your sorry for honesty


I agree, there's no need to apologize. I asked a question, you answered it. When I said "these people" I wasn't saying not you. Not sure if that's what you thought.

no i havent had one.......go to a camera shop

spend 25 dollars for 10 minutes

get the grip

front view

side view

back view

send it to brian......he will fix it up, make corrections mail it back....

and set up a phone call, so you can both be looking at it.. and he will give you good advice

it the 2nd best thing to being there

No worries..a little more food for thought though. I believe no matter what your handicap you still have tendencies, neurological and physical that you are dealing with. I think the best way to improve is to have absolute knowledge of your tendencies, how they effect your game, when you overcook your "fix" how to get back to a balance point, or a middle ground. Thats the key to it, understanding what you do, how to fix it and if you over do it how to find the middle again. IMO the absolute best way to learn about this is standing in front of someone that knows what they are doing and getting his advice and learning about your swing inside and out, after that you gotta ask the right questions and work your butt off.
And I think you can determine all of this in a reasonably short amount of time, no matter talent,age,athletic ability, long as the instructor is good and you have the desire to learn it.
Good question...

Actually, this is an interesting question because I have taken exactly one individual golf lesson in my life (I'm over 40) and it was from Brian two years ago in SoCal. I only took an hour and I regret that I didn't spend at least two to give me a bit more detail to think about. However, I did get quite a bit out of the lesson and even two years later I find going back to it sets me on a better track. I'm not sure if Hdcp matters, but I was about a 2 at the time and just recently hit 0 for the first time ever. I think the one danger, which has already been brought up, is the tendency to overexaggerate any swing changes, so if you're going to work it this way, you have to be able to self-monitor that aspect, which is probably easier said than done.

From a 12

I've seen Brian about once a year for the last 3 years. I can only see him when he is in the NY area. Best thing I've ever done for my game. Long story short was that I tried to do it on my own for about 15 years. Flipped it, reverse pivoted, under planed it. Could scrape it around on a given day, but no consistency.

Brian changed everything, grip, stance, pivot. In three rounds out this year I'm hitting the ball so consistently even I'm surprised. Between work and family I don't get to practice much. Reading here and a lot of tinkering has helped. I should also add that I had the chance to do some work with M. Jacobs as well. Not a lot, but very helpful. I feel I can get to a single handi this season.

Its no silver bullet, but he will give you the tools. Would it be better to be able to see him more often? No doubt. I bet if I could have done a series with him I would have improved much faster. I never took advantage of calling him, but I've been with him when he has received calls from students and its like hearing a doctor talk to a patient. I'm sure he would help with the follow up if you could only see him once.

Feel free to PM if have any specific questions.

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