Getting better via long distance

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Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I have taken one lesson a year from Brian the last 3 years. Definitely worth it. Can't waitnfor my lesson this year. The video recap will keep you on track
Hey Curtis

I see Brian once or twice a year. Obviously, I wish I could see him more. But it's a long expensive trip from West Texas to New Orleans or Louisville.

If you can only go once a year I would recommend a decent video camera (the Canon's are good and cheap and plenty fast. I would also recommend a video editing program so that you can edit them down for ease of emailing)

Spend a couple of days with Brian and get a really good foundation and understanding of what you need to work on. Then take advantage of the option of video taping your swing when something doesn't feel right or when your ball striking goes south and sending the video to Brain for him to look at. I have used this service several times and it is a very good way to stay on track.

I learned a very long time ago that I progress much faster if I only have one voice in my head. I ignore all other instruction and tips and keep my head down and nose to the grindstone hearing only Brian's voice and doing the things he tells me needs to be done. So far it has been a good prescription. makes life much simpler.
Hey Curtis

I see Brian once or twice a year. Obviously, I wish I could see him more. But it's a long expensive trip from West Texas to New Orleans or Louisville.

If you can only go once a year I would recommend a decent video camera (the Canon's are good and cheap and plenty fast. I would also recommend a video editing program so that you can edit them down for ease of emailing)

Spend a couple of days with Brian and get a really good foundation and understanding of what you need to work on. Then take advantage of the option of video taping your swing when something doesn't feel right or when your ball striking goes south and sending the video to Brain for him to look at. I have used this service several times and it is a very good way to stay on track.

I learned a very long time ago that I progress much faster if I only have one voice in my head. I ignore all other instruction and tips and keep my head down and nose to the grindstone hearing only Brian's voice and doing the things he tells me needs to be done. So far it has been a good prescription. makes life much simpler.

Thanks for the reply Otto, I was hoping you were going to reply since I sorta figured you were also one of the "long distance guys" and you had a quality game. So do you record the entire lesson? I have wondered this myself. Thanks

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Jim, I know you are not a 12. I would bet you had a fairly solid swing before, maybe not. Do you think a persons HDCP matters regarding # of sessions per season? I know it all depends on the golfer but I'm just thinking the higher HDCP would mean higher inconsistency and more things to work on. Maybe I'm just over analyzing everything. All I know is that I've come to a point in my "career" that I have to make a change. Otherwise this damn sport is going to put me on meds.

I've never had an official handicap so i have no idea what they mean or how they correlate really. I did however figure out the formula to get an idea of what i had to shoot on any given day to get to a +3 which was my goal as an amatuer.


Before i went to go see Brian i could flip my way to a mid to high 70 or end up shooting 90 on a hard course. I wouldn't say i was good, i was just very athletic and could and still can PUTT. I got soooooooooooo much better in 1 weekend with Brian it was sick. I made a big long post about my golfing career i'll see if i can find it for you.

The thing you have to understand is that at the Brian Manzella Academy; when you come to see ANY of us we are going to make you better immediately and dejunk you thoroughly. This will have lasting effects on your swing. I recently gave 2 lessons to people who sound a lot of like you (just from all your posts and my assumptions on your swing), too inside out swings and too much draw and poor contact with irons.

I moved the one guy's plane line for much further left he told me it felt like he was hitting a pull yet the ball flight was a very pretty small push draw. I had another guy come see me who had a similar problem but his was so bad he had fits with shanks. He is going on a vacay so i didn't want to change too much so all i did was make him understand why the shank occurs and we moved his plane line a bunch so he could hit it better. We will work on his backswing after his vacay and i'm sure i could help him with that in 1-2 lessons.

I have never met Kevin, Chris, Michael; only Brian and Tom. I'll tell you what based on Brian's picking of instructors i have no reservation to recommend any of them to anyone.

Here's a summary that Brian wrote about my journey:
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yes i will explain

an average golf pro probably teaches either his own pattern....or whatever he is comfortable with......or THE LAST THING HE READ

a good golf pro (like B J,K,T,R, ETC) will teach you what will help you the most.....

the best golf pro's........are not only good teachers......but have analytical quick minds......yes others might, but i mean the best...

here is an example and if bman has a problem with me using this story...please delete at will

brian went to ny to visit with his protege mike at explosive golf ( great site

trust me mike is a good teacher....BUT....mike was having a problem

fixing something in his uncles"s swing......mike asks bman to take a

look.....5 swings later..FIXED.......SO CURTIS.......they are all good

mike, kevin, tom, jim, ryan.and the rest of the manzella academy

and they will give you a FULL hour of help in 1 HOUR

bman....will give you 1 HOUR of help in 10 minutes

there are 6 10 minute intervals in an hour........6 1 hour lessons

for the price of might ask how i know this???

trust me i do.

get your ticket and go.....


disclaimer......i am in no way saying anything except good things about the manzella academy instructors they are all good

i am strictly stating my personal opinion....if anyone is offended by this post.....i do apologize

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Golf Instruction and Consulting are pretty much the same thing. I am a consultant in my industry. I sell my knowledge. Sometimes client knows what is wrong. Sometimes they don't know until I tell them.

A long time ago, before I was a consultant, a Purchasing Agent who had been a consultant told me something important. This rule was, "Don't tell them too much at one time". This is a way to keep coming back and can be a major revenue enhancer. Now to Brian.

I took a lesson several weeks ago. I've posted a description previously. I concur with the previous post that discussed how fast Brian sees the problem and comes up with the fix. For me the fix occurred within the first 10 minutes. Implementation took over an hour with roughly 30 minutes spent on the grip and how to get it exactly right. There was a visualization thing about hitting a high fade. There was a ball position thing with the Driver. We did some short game things that boiled down to squaring up stance and not popping out. I'm sure he saw more, but chose to keep it to limited topics.

However, he never pushed for me to take more lessons. The best sales position is having a full plate. He's got plenty of business. Believe me, I have experienced the 5 lesson specials, and hearing the alleged teacher drone on about things I have known for decades. With Brian you actually get something for your money.

My opinion on the subject of long distance golf lessons goes something like this. I think that it can't come close to in person instruction. The camera has to be right. It has to be positioned correctly. How does the instructor know what the ball flight looked like. Instructor can't grab a club and show you. He also can't grab you and move you into positions. If someone is serious about taking a Manzella lesson, then seems to me that you just have to anti-up the money for gas, or air-fare. I just noticed a special from my Tennessee location to New Orleans for $99.00 each way ( my wallet's starting to vibrate).
here you go


i think i found something that might help

go to youtube

and in search box, type in...manzella alan's lesson

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i was incorrect on the above post

i tried it.....did not work

BUT....i found it

go to youtube

and JUST...type in

alan lesson

hope it helps

I just started playing golf in 2005. Went to see Brian in 2006 and then in 2007 for a total of 10 hours.

My goal was to see Brian last year but a job change and the economy killed that. I hope that changes later this year.

You are going to get out of your lessons with Brian what you put into getting out of your lessons with Brian. If you don't stay with what he shows you, it won't work. If you are an accomplished golfer...the fix Brian installs might be quick and permanent. If not, it may take some time.

You also need to keep in mind that you might move from one side of the matrix to the other. I went from NSA to SD (didn't know it was SD he was showing me until I got the SD video) to now a modified NHA. Right now, I am hitting the ball better than I ever have and learning how to score better.
I've gone from a 30+ handicap to a 17 and getting better. My personal goal is to crack 10. The way I play and the shots I hit are ever so close. I struggle with consistency.

I would advise you to take a video camera and video as much of the lesson as you can. I didn't to that the first lesson but I did the second. It has helped me immensely to go back and watch how he corrected my faults.

So, from a plus 30 handicapper on my first visit, I would say Brian can help any one and is worth the expense. Just don't think you have a magic fix without a lot of effort on your part.

Brian Manzella

I will say this...

One two hour lesson a year will make a big difference.

A "Manzella Special" a year, will make more.

Either of these are probably better than most all of your alternatives.
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