Jared Willerson
Super Moderator
I have taken one lesson a year from Brian the last 3 years. Definitely worth it. Can't waitnfor my lesson this year. The video recap will keep you on track
Hey Curtis
I see Brian once or twice a year. Obviously, I wish I could see him more. But it's a long expensive trip from West Texas to New Orleans or Louisville.
If you can only go once a year I would recommend a decent video camera (the Canon's are good and cheap and plenty fast. I would also recommend a video editing program so that you can edit them down for ease of emailing)
Spend a couple of days with Brian and get a really good foundation and understanding of what you need to work on. Then take advantage of the option of video taping your swing when something doesn't feel right or when your ball striking goes south and sending the video to Brain for him to look at. I have used this service several times and it is a very good way to stay on track.
I learned a very long time ago that I progress much faster if I only have one voice in my head. I ignore all other instruction and tips and keep my head down and nose to the grindstone hearing only Brian's voice and doing the things he tells me needs to be done. So far it has been a good prescription.
Plus....it makes life much simpler.
I have taken one lesson a year from Brian the last 3 years. Definitely worth it. Can't waitnfor my lesson this year. The video recap will keep you on track
Jim, I know you are not a 12. I would bet you had a fairly solid swing before, maybe not. Do you think a persons HDCP matters regarding # of sessions per season? I know it all depends on the golfer but I'm just thinking the higher HDCP would mean higher inconsistency and more things to work on. Maybe I'm just over analyzing everything. All I know is that I've come to a point in my "career" that I have to make a change. Otherwise this damn sport is going to put me on meds.