Getting bigger AND faster

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Anyone gone on a mass workout routine to get bigger for golf? I've lifted on and off for about 10 years and am planning on putting some size to my frame. I'm planning on about 15 pounds but want to do it in a way to improve my game and not hinder it. Since golf is about speed (right?), how can I getting bigger AND improve my speed at the same time. I've always heard that getting bigger can decrease your speed. I already outdrive my buddies and I'm the smallest by far. Next year I want to embarrass them! Hah


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
just make sure to keep your flexibility while getting bigger, i have heard of people getting bigger and slowing down, staying the same, or increasing some.

main thing is flexibility imo
Hello Curtis,

1) Whatever they tell you at your gym don't do a "pump" workout- (small weights, lots of reps) it produces a big muscle which isn't either strong or quick

2) Periodise your programm

3 blocks: -building muscle mass (10-15 weeks)
-building max strength (10 weeks)
-going for speed/reactive strength (5-10 weeks)

3) Golfers need coordination rather than strength

Therefore do complex exercises with free weights rather then sitting in machines.
BUT BE CAREFUL- don't do this without the help of an instructor who knows what he is
doing. It's really easy to hurt yourself if you execute these exercises improperly

4) Do what Jim said :)

I basically have a whole gym in my basement. Everything will be free weights. Compound exercises to start off with. Squats, Deads, Power Cleans, etc.
I've always heard that getting bigger can decrease your speed.

Thats BS. People that say that are just lazy and don't want to do the work to gain strength. Look at some of those long drive monsters. Their muscle isn't keeping them from making a swing. Don't forget to work those forearms. You could probably just strengthen the forearms and gain plenty of distance.
Everything will be free weights. Compound exercises to start off with. Squats, Deads, Power Cleans, etc.

This sounds like the perfect golf (power) workout because all of the lifts you listed are compound lifts that build power.

For explosive power, I would add the Olympic lifts to the mix.

I'm going to add a sledge hammer and a huge tire to my workout.


I've seen that workout and it's just not my type of working out. When done right I'm sure it's great exercise. Just not what I'm looking for. I believe it would be better at losing weight, rather than gaining. Once again, it's a great workout for the "right" person.


Hi Curtis

If you have been lifting for 10 years on and off can we assume you are not one of these genetically gifted mass monsters? If so it's not easy to put on 15lbs of muscle (15 lbs of fat yes!). There are more theories and routines to put on weight and muscle than golf swings!

However digging through most of the stuff, the best principles are to work on poundage progression on the big exercises (Squats, Deads, Bench, Presss, Rows) and make sure you are eating enough and healthily. Frequency, rep schemes etc is something you probably have to discover yourself.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.
Guys, I don't post on here much but I saw the post about the sledgehammer and tire and synergy athletics. Let me tell you this, as a former strength training athlete at several universities, most coaches would prefer you to do this kind of workout. How do you think men back in the old days such as Romans, Spartans, Greeks, Austrians, Germans are trained? They did hardwork labor and these guys were huge. Lifting weights is great, don't get me wrong, but sometimes you lift so long it gets boring and you start sacrificing form and everything else during your workout. But what I'm saying is to mix it up and the sledgehammer workout would make your twitch muscles even quicker. This type of training is what builds strong forearms, biceps, chests, legs, etc. I can go on and on, I may not know alot about golf but the old style of working out with hard labor is the most effective and you won't tear a rotator cuff unless your an older gentlemen and not in good shape. I've also tried P90X and its a great workout that I would suggest also, it uses your own body weight and basic movement exercises and it works. I added several pounds of back muscle with this workout. But I want to reiterate I'm no coach or trainer, just have experiences. Thanks.
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Thats BS. People that say that are just lazy and don't want to do the work to gain strength. Look at some of those long drive monsters. Their muscle isn't keeping them from making a swing. Don't forget to work those forearms. You could probably just strengthen the forearms and gain plenty of distance.

Get a Powerball...great tool for the money and it is supposed to develop "fast twitch" arm muscles, which help your c/head speed (Harringtonand a few other players use one)
Hi Curtis

If you have been lifting for 10 years on and off can we assume you are not one of these genetically gifted mass monsters? If so it's not easy to put on 15lbs of muscle (15 lbs of fat yes!). There are more theories and routines to put on weight and muscle than golf swings!

However digging through most of the stuff, the best principles are to work on poundage progression on the big exercises (Squats, Deads, Bench, Presss, Rows) and make sure you are eating enough and healthily. Frequency, rep schemes etc is something you probably have to discover yourself.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Good question. I'm a pretty healthy guy that exercises but I haven't hit the weights for "mass" in several years. I started a program about 9 months ago and was putting muscle on fast. The reason is that I finally learned the right way to train and most importantly the right way to EAT. EATING is by far more important than the workout. Of course you have to have both, but it's all about the calories. The only reason I stopped earlier this year is that something came up and took me out of my groove.

I used to think I was a "hardgainer", now I just realized I didn't eat enough. If there's any skinny guys out there let me know if you want some info on putting on weight.
Get a Powerball...great tool for the money and it is supposed to develop "fast twitch" arm muscles, which help your c/head speed (Harringtonand a few other players use one)

I've had it more several years. Doesn't do much for me. A loaded bar will do a much better job for your grip/forearms.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
I recommend the body wedge 21, you can probably find it on the internet. I gave a lesson to a guy who gave it to me, what a great workout system. It comes with a movie

Are you after "beach" muscles or a strength and conditioning program to help your golf- be honest with yourself. If it is the later then get a body screen - identify your body weaknesses that relate to your golf swing and develop a program around that. If you want beach muscles buy flex magazine.:p

There is no correlation between big muscles and power generation in a golf swing - Before you say tiger woods and the long drive monsters - look at the top 10 driving distance currently on the PGA tour - Are they all ripped - no chance - but their bodies are strong in the right areas - big difference see Shuan O'hare and Charles Howell both bomb it
Complete Conditioning for Golf isn't a bad book. It has some basic exercises and workouts for different goals. It also has some stretches to do to see your weaknesses in those areas. A physical therapist friend that is an avid golfer (he is around a 1 handicap) recommended to do core and flexibility exercises if I wanted to do something golf specific. Lots of medicine ball throwing... (8 to 12 lb ball) twisting with... throwing from overhead bouncing off the floor... etc...
How do you think men back in the old days such as Romans, Spartans, Greeks, Austrians, Germans are trained? They did hardwork labor and these guys were huge.
How do you know how huge they were? As long as they were stronger than the next guy, thats all that mattered. That doesn't mean anything compared to athletes today.

But what I'm saying is to mix it up and the sledgehammer workout would make your twitch muscles even quicker.

Does the golf swing even favor fast twitch muscle over slow? Either way, the ratio of fast to slow is pretty much set by what you are born with. Theres a reason why east Africans win marathons and west Africans win sprints.

and you won't tear a rotator cuff unless your an older gentlemen and not in good shape.

I didn't say all those sledgehammer exercises would injure people, but some of them definitely will accelerate the aging of the rotator cuff(at best). Theres a physical therapist that posts here sometimes, see what he says.
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