Going Normal and a couple of through the ball videos

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Brian Manzella

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Brian Manzella

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Brian Manzella

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Gonna say it right now cause I am not that bright.

But I just can't reconcile videos 1 and 2. I have been working on video 1 but it feels slightly flippy and less powerful with a higher ball flight.
Whereas when I look at video 2 it feels like to get to that position I need to "hold on" or dare I say it "drag the handle" to get that look. Then again when I do the latter, I can't get a 5 iron higher than 20 ft in the air.

Remember these are all feels to me and it could be that my swing just sucks. :)
Gonna say it right now cause I am not that bright.

But I just can't reconcile videos 1 and 2. I have been working on video 1 but it feels slightly flippy and less powerful with a higher ball flight.
Whereas when I look at video 2 it feels like to get to that position I need to "hold on" or dare I say it "drag the handle" to get that look. Then again when I do the latter, I can't get a 5 iron higher than 20 ft in the air.

Remember these are all feels to me and it could be that my swing just sucks. :)

For me, it feels less "powerful" but way "faster" to go normal as Brian describes. Higher ball flight for sure but that's what I'm looking for after years of dragging/driving down plane/holding the angle for dear life. If it starts to balloon on me I just wait a bit longer to go normal. May not work for you but it's what works for me.
I have never been really clear on how much the left wrist should "uncock" or to say another way - how much angle should there be between the left arm (hopefully as close to vertical thru the impact "zone") and the club shaft.

Is it more powerful and/or more accurate to maintain as much angle as possible and if so what is the approximate correct amount (130 degree - 145 degree as opposed to 180 degree - shaft in line with left arm from DTL)?

I currently experimenting with setting up with setting my hands "lower" at address and then trying to maintain the same (or as close as possible) angle thru impact instead of letting my left wrist "uncock". I can certainly "set my wrists" earlier (a good thing for me as I tend to be a little "stiff wristed" thru the first half of the backswing and sometimes do not get enough set at the end of the backswing.

The set up "feeling" is that of trying to look a little like Ryan Moore.

Any comments or insight appreciated.



<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/MBYZcHS7Ki0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The butt of the club wants to rise up.
What is the essential difference between 'going normal' ,and 'goat humping', as both thrust the pelvis under you????
From what I gather "goat humping" or "early extension" is a compensatory move to stand up in order to fit the club in to hit the ball. It occurs early in the downswing with the belt buckle facing the ball. I guess it could be a form of going normal in a poorly sequenced swing.

Going normal happens in the last phase of the downswing in a well sequenced swing with the belt buckle facing the target more with the left hip back and is part of a well coordinated pelvic sequencing.
I see goat humping as a "toward the ball stand up" kind of move whereas going normal is a "wait as long as you can then fire everything "back and to the left....back and to the left....back and to the left"".
I see goat humping as a "toward the ball stand up" kind of move whereas going normal is a "wait as long as you can then fire everything "back and to the left....back and to the left....back and to the left"".

A Costner quote not from Tin Cup on a golf forum? Wow. I award you 42 Internetz for your achievement!
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