Going Normal and a couple of through the ball videos

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<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Dfxe4cjihVM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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Am I the only one confused around here?

How can "going normal", in Brian's own words, be likened to pulling the grip (upwards and inwards) off the shaft when it is clear from this video that AS is straightening his right arm whilst thrusting down and out all the way through impact and then maintaining that straightness beyond shoulder height in his follow through; his left arm folding beyond impact to accommodate this?
It sure DOESN"T look like he's thrusting down and out the whole way through impact. In fact to me it looks like somewhere around last parallel before impact he's pulling up massively with his left arm and shoulder in sequence with his hips opening and extending or losing bend (whatever it's called), however in the hands only a leveling out and gentle rising is observed.
I can clearly see his right arm straightening. I can also clearly see his left hand rising from right leg/last parallel through impact.
'Hands forward' ? And Where's Spiderman gone?

Hands SHOULD be forward. You need SOME forward lean to expose the sweet spot to the ball. I don't think Brian has ever said that you shouldn't have SOME forward lean.

Spiderman is AFTER impact into the follow through. SHEESH.


Right arm is straightening, but measure the forces. We could ask is right arm acting purely on it's own, or is something causing it? Here I would suspect our brains fools us when viewing photos/videos without ability to see forces and vectors

To get clubhead OUT, force along handle has to be IN.

Seems like Jorgenson is right about this stuff too.
I don't advocate anything golf related for anyone but myself, since I'm a music teacher and not a golf teacher. It has worked for me, and as far as I'm concerned that's good enough.

You asked "And Where's Spiderman gone" and I was simply stating that in that video Brian was talking about impact and not follow through, where the spiderman move is. I'm not on the other site so I don't know if this is still a move the pro's here advocate for anyone, but again, it works for me.

I got the feeling from your post that you were trying to prove a point, the point that the video posted is in some way in conflict with all of that release information from previous threads. I'm saying it is in complete agreement. Shaft lean, and the feeling of pulling the grip off the club through impact (going normal) are completely compatible.
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