Jim Kobylinski
Super Moderator
Yes, in a perfect world, but, and it's a big but.
So you now have 30 big ones invested, and need it to have a decent payback. That means you need to book it, and book it. If you price the thing based on customer bringing his own balls, I contend you will shrink your market.
Let's say the place doing my fitting had told me that I had to bring my own balls. I hit maybe 5 - 8 shots with each combination. Pro V1's are $50 a dozen or around $4.00 a ball. That would have added $300 - $400 to the exercise. Pretty much a deal killer, in my opinion. I believe that a Driver Fitting can be done with high quality range balls.
If I was paying to have my clubs gapped, then I would want to use the balls I play with. However, I would take the retired balls from my shag bag.
Maybe Kevin will opine, since he owns a Trackman.
You realize you are talking to a Financial Analyst that specializes in marketing and advertising right?
You are missing the whole point, you use range balls but you should do the due diligence to figure out what the average difference is when using range balls verse a few different real balls as reference points for your fittings so you can provide useful information to the student HOWEVER you (I) would strongly urge the student to purchase 1 or 2 dozen of their ball they use to bring to the fitting to fit with for the best possible fit. You do not need to buy 10 dozen balls, you can reuse most of the of the balls and you also don't have to change the pricing of the fitting. I know of 3 different people who do A LOT of fitting (not even on trackmans cuz they can't afford one) and they all recommend to the student bringing their own balls for the reason said and i'd say 75% of their fitting students do so.
IMO there is no such thing as high quality range balls, i see differences in ball speed and spin on ANY launch monitor i have EVER been on.