Golf Pros in the USA

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Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Really, nowadays there are too many people for most professional jobs. I am a HS teacher, 10 years ago, they were BEGGING people to go into education, now for every teaching job that opens up in GA, there are at least 10 qualified applicants.

Law is no different, graduate from a state U law school? Welcome to 45K and 80 hour weeks. I was going to go to law school, took the LSAT, got accepted about to make the plunge, did more research and in the long run, I would lose money.

Medical school grads? 80 grand starting out....hell, you can't pay your loan bills with that.

Too many people chasing too few professional jobs. When Judge Smails said the world needs ditch diggers too, he wasn't kidding, a lot of kids I see recently who are making the dollars are guys who went to work out of school working on power lines or industrial electricians or specialized welding....or digging ditches with an excavator for water or electric companies.
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