Grip Change - Weaker right hand

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My 'standard' grip since i started playing was a neutral to slightly strong left hand and a strong right hand that was more 'under' at address. My bad shots have been hooks and snap hooks.

After some advice i have change my right hand to be a bit weaker and more 'on top' with the grip in the fingers. With this change though i've gone the extreme other way and hitting push slices.... chipping though has seen a big improvement.... if the left hand controls the clubface what gives in terms of these push slices?
You were controlling the face with your right hand, and probably steering the club. Now that right hand is missing in action due to the grip change, and you are leaving the face open. Moving the right hand higher also can inluence shoulder alignment towards more open. Check it in a mirror

Swing changes take time.
My 'standard' grip since i started playing was a neutral to slightly strong left hand and a strong right hand that was more 'under' at address. My bad shots have been hooks and snap hooks.

After some advice i have change my right hand to be a bit weaker and more 'on top' with the grip in the fingers. With this change though i've gone the extreme other way and hitting push slices.... chipping though has seen a big improvement.... if the left hand controls the clubface what gives in terms of these push slices?

swinging too far right?
If you weaken the right hand grip and swing too in to out, this will happen for a while. Do not change the grip, work on path. This made a huge difference. I had an instructor change my right hand grip to a weaker position. Until I got NHA and changed my swing path, it did not work.


My 'standard' grip since i started playing was a neutral to slightly strong left hand and a strong right hand that was more 'under' at address. My bad shots have been hooks and snap hooks.

After some advice i have change my right hand to be a bit weaker and more 'on top' with the grip in the fingers. With this change though i've gone the extreme other way and hitting push slices.... chipping though has seen a big improvement.... if the left hand controls the clubface what gives in terms of these push slices?

Ball position.

Now you have a weaker grip put the ball a little further forwards in your stance and give yourself the extra time you now need to square up the clubface.
any hooker swings right and "blocks" release; you have to. Seems like you will now have to learn to swing more left and free up release
I've done exactly the same thing. I played a very strong right hand grip and could easily shut down the face by bending back the right hand through impact and swinging on and in to out path. I effectively controlled the face with the right hand, miss was left(right handed golfer). I now employ a Manzella Neutral grip, and in doing so, the right is in a position where it cannot shut down the face, you'll need to as stated here, put the ball slightly more foreward, and control the face with the left wrist. A little more wedding ring up with fix your problem.

Also, the weaker right hand, will probably put you on a steeper path as well, causing you to now not be so much under plane coming into impact.
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