Grip pressure during the swing

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J Nicklaus states that he like to have constant grip pressure throughout the swing.
But in reality everyone swinging up to 100 mph WILL FEEL MORE GRIP PRESSURE at IMPACT due to the tremendous centrifugal force, THAN AT ADDRESS. you
1) keep your hands passive and let CF firm up your grip only
2) actively add grip pressure only during the backswing and let CF firm up your grip
3) actively add grip pressure only during the forward swing and let CF firm up your grip
4) do both 2) and 3)
Id say on a 1-10 scale I try and have about a 5 grip pressure to start and then just let the natural forces take over. I think MOST average handicaps grip it at about a 12 to start. lol
I guess I'd be #1, I very rarely think about grip pressure - unless I'd noticed a shot or two miss to the right in a tournament, then I might tell myself to relax a little...
For most shots, I also keep constant pressure and let natural forces take over. In the book "Ben Hogan's Magical Device" by Ted Hunt, he talks about hand action through impact and discusses uncocking the left wrist (for R handed golfer) pointing the thumb to the ball and consciously squeezing the last 3 fingers of the left hand while arching the left wrist through impact. I have experimented with this and it seems to help me hit fades. Has anyone else heard or experimented with this?


I dont like to grip it any tighter than necessary.

I have heard of people tightening the left pinky and ring finger to hit fades, and tightening the two middle fingers of the right hand to promote a draw.
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