Just seems like your timing needs to be PERFECT. NO?
Just seems like your timing needs to be PERFECT. NO?
Using the leading edge gives less room for error. Releasing the club and using the bounce in the right turf conditions allows for much more room for error. Also don't get any shooters and spin and trajectory is more predictable and you have more variety......IMO.
Is there a video on this? I feel with a less dynamic stroke like putting and chipping the wrists should be predominantly quiet. I couldn't imagine suggesting this wrist movement to my students.
Using the leading edge gives less room for error. Releasing the club and using the bounce in the right turf conditions allows for much more room for error. Also don't get any shooters and spin and trajectory is more predictable and you have more variety......IMO.
Having made the switch in the last couple of years from up the left arm chipping to using the bounce, I can tell you, using the bounce is waaaay more consistent, and leaves waaay more margin for error in almost every lie. You can miss hit a chip by a couple of inches and end up being within 3 or 4 feet of where you wanted the ball to go. I feel like I can get up and down from anywhere now.
I would regard this as a pitching action with a much steeper AoA. I agree that in this type of swing bounce can be effectively applied but when adopting a shallower AoA as in chipping, applying bounce would be more difficult.
Yes Rob, that's probably the problem, I haven't seen the new release info but wrist movement sounds controversial and applying bounce from a shallow angle seems more difficult than leading edge dominance. I haven't spotted the pros releasing with a normal chip shot.