Hello Everbody!

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quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

To take lessons from anyone other than an Authorized Instrucor would be a waste of money.

I usually think your post are pretty spot on. However, that's a pretty offensive statement and I'm guessing you didn't really mean it.
I've take lessons from Brian and other A.I.s that I'd recommend in a second.
I'm not an A.I. though wouldn't consider time spent with me a waste of money. I've given lessons to tour pros, a U.S. Open champion, a nice college player that went on to win the NCAA, state open champs, club pros, players of all abilities. Do you think these guys and gals consider the cash they shelled out to me "wasted money"?
If you really think you can only learn from G.O.L.F. guys then you (and your students) are really missing out.
IMHO the best way to promote yourself is to get results, not by putting down the competition.
And yes I agree with what I take your post to mean, that there is a lot of horse #$@% being taught. Thanks the to pretenders you should always have a job fixing people.

Brian Manzella

Will...you are 100% right.

I—Brian Manzella—teach Golf.

I'll teach you TGM if you want it, but to me, it is just a really good tool.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
I really do generalise sometimes too much I am bit hot headed and like Brian its the Southern Italian in me.

Look there is something to be learnt from all good teachers (not necessarilly Paul Schemmp's ones).

But you need a system based on laws and being an AI is just a peice of paper genarated in Portland Oregan. The correct answer is :
Do you work of a system of laws not junk science like at the teaching summits, but real laws of physics and geometry.
If you dont do this and have a pattern plan or blueprint then you cant teach all you can do is tell good stories and provide minutia and a theatrical dog and pony show with a jumping castle for the kids.

Hommer thanked golf pros for 'keeping golf alive' what he meant was barely keeping it alive and not growing it.

There are AI's that shouldnt be AI's and there are teachers that should be AI'S that are'nt. I think to solve this problem we need to have an AI amnesty and everyone should hand in their phoney certificates and resit a test in the sand trap designed by Ben Doyle.
quote:Originally posted by scandres

quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

To take lessons from anyone other than an Authorized Instrucor would be a waste of money.

I usually think your post are pretty spot on. However, that's a pretty offensive statement and I'm guessing you didn't really mean it.
I've take lessons from Brian and other A.I.s that I'd recommend in a second.
I'm not an A.I. though wouldn't consider time spent with me a waste of money. I've given lessons to tour pros, a U.S. Open champion, a nice college player that went on to win the NCAA, state open champs, club pros, players of all abilities. Do you think these guys and gals consider the cash they shelled out to me "wasted money"?
If you really think you can only learn from G.O.L.F. guys then you (and your students) are really missing out.
IMHO the best way to promote yourself is to get results, not by putting down the competition.
And yes I agree with what I take your post to mean, that there is a lot of horse #$@% being taught. Thanks the to pretenders you should always have a job fixing people.
The golf schools are indeed awesome..Schaeffer, McHatton and I were the original Golfing Machine
golf school instructors back in 90 hired by Sally Kelley. What an honor!
On the other hand, drinking Mojitos in Laguna isn't bad if you want to come over and do that!:)
I've almost got Schaeffer convinced to make a posting. He's incubating.
Four Barrels

yes i know Paul is down with u

I speak with him on a fairly regular basis
- last time was about a week ago

sometimes I think I need less information and just take a consistency pill :)



quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

I teach in Melbourne geoff and you are in luck Bobby Schaeffer, Billy Mckinney & Gregg McHATTON and I are hosting a 3 day Elite Golfing Experience 9am - 5pm Jan 17,18,19 at St Michaels Golf Club. Other than this Ian Paul at Pymble Golf Club in Sydney is one of my students and is an AI however he kind of got lost in the new TGM administration so he is not listed. He knows the physics really well.

Sounds good 4Barrels. Could you please send me the details and let me know what I have to do to get a spot? email: <email address removed>



Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Geoff we have 9 spces availible as of now and
youre in Geoff, welcome to the world of physics, causes and alignments rather than positions and effects.

I will email you the brochure and lets get to work as Ben would say and make your proceedure more precise.


Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by cjgolf

Four Barrels

yes i know Paul is down with u

I speak with him on a fairly regular basis
- last time was about a week ago

sometimes I think I need less information and just take a consistency pill :)


Chris, you are correct less (bad or garbage)information, and use only the right gold nuggets that McHatton, Schaeffer& McKinney will provide.
Of course if you were anywhere near Louisville in the deep South I would tell you to go and see an Italian Stallion named Brian Manzella.
quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN

Geoff we have 9 spces availible as of now and
youre in Geoff, welcome to the world of physics, causes and alignments rather than positions and effects.

I will email you the brochure and lets get to work as Ben would say and make your proceedure more precise.



I've just taken a new job but would like to know if I could really fit this one in. Send reply to troyrk@bigpond.com with final details.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Eagle nester, I will send the details on this week
Seminars like this one dont come around that often, just explain the principle of G.O.L.F. to your boss(the plane, lol) and he will understand.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
Start gathering questions for The Hat, Bobby, Billy and 4b we will stay up all night every night to answer them as we love G.O.L.F.ers.
Can wait to meet you Geoff.
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