quote:Originally posted by FOUR BARRELS AUSTRALIAN
To take lessons from anyone other than an Authorized Instrucor would be a waste of money.
I usually think your post are pretty spot on. However, that's a pretty offensive statement and I'm guessing you didn't really mean it.
I've take lessons from Brian and other A.I.s that I'd recommend in a second.
I'm not an A.I. though wouldn't consider time spent with me a waste of money. I've given lessons to tour pros, a U.S. Open champion, a nice college player that went on to win the NCAA, state open champs, club pros, players of all abilities. Do you think these guys and gals consider the cash they shelled out to me "wasted money"?
If you really think you can only learn from G.O.L.F. guys then you (and your students) are really missing out.
IMHO the best way to promote yourself is to get results, not by putting down the competition.
And yes I agree with what I take your post to mean, that there is a lot of horse #$@% being taught. Thanks the to pretenders you should always have a job fixing people.