Help for a big guy

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I'm a big guy. 6'4". Really athletic. The problems is i hit it pretty far, but not near as far as i could. I don't get any lag and i chickenwing it. My brother is 5'11" and hits it farther than me because he gets sergio lag and has a great release. Any suggestions? :confused:

P.S. I can shoot in the low 70's alot but the chickenwing makes me really inconsistent.
You must have an awsome short game! How about a little video of your swing so everyone can see it? You mentioned the chicken wing but what do your bad shots look like?
My bad shots are fat shots and big slices with my driver. I can time it pretty good sometimes, but I hit a shots that results in double bogies under pressure. I'm not sure how to upload videos.
Have you seen Brian's Never Slice Again video? That might be just what your looking for to cure your slice problem. Also, what do your bad shots with the short irons look like?
sometimes you can swing from really inside and hit a pull.

It's not really a pull but you just over rotate your hands because you come wayyyyy inside.

if your ball flight is high to the are probably over the top.
if your ball flight is low to the left (pull) probably come in from inside
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A lot of people have found the NSA video to really change their game around. I would definitely watch that video. The main move is called a twist away where you actively close the club face during the back swing and keep it that way through impact and beyond. There is also a good demonstration of staying behind the ball during the down swing and fairly deep into follow through. Most slicers have a real hard time getting that axis tilt into follow through. The fact that you have a chicken wing means you are not rotating your left forearm through impact and beyond. Brian teaches a position called wedding ring up which has your left arm and hand twisted to the extreme so you can see your wedding ring after follow through (if you wear one). If you do that one move it's impossible to have a chicken wing.

I have seen all of Brian's videos and this guy knows what he is talking about. He explains in the NSA video the evolution of a slicer and what they do in their swing to compensate for the predicament their in. The real problem is getting the club face too open in the back swing and even though the swing plane is perfect the golfer sees the ball go right and so they change their perfect plane and start swinging across the ball in an attempt to straighten out the ball. Not good. If you know the club face is open and you probably do you might instinctively try to close it by flipping your right hand so it straightens. The problem is most people try to flip it back to their address position or hang back on their right side too much through the ball (instinctively). This is the slicers dilemma.

So how do you correct it?

First of all you need to understand that address position and impact are two totally different things. I actually like to see golfers hit balls starting from at least a hands forward impact position and hold a good bit of right wrist bend through out the shot. This is not on the video but is something that really helped me trust where my hands really had to be to make much better contact with the ball (no fats) and compress the ball with less effort. I used to do drill after drill of doing nothing but getting used to that impact position and hitting shots with the hands staying very low back and through. The automatic benefit of doing this was getting the grip near perfect to start with. The right wrist bends but never cocks. The left wrist cocks and ideally doesn't bend or flip forward at any time.

Just as a check:

If you look down at your hands in the impact fix position it will appear like your hands are in front of your forward (left) foot. This is the aiming point they talk about in the Golfing Machine. The way Brian teaches it is the Lagging Clubhead Takeaway method which is starting from a normal setup position and then using your pivot to move everything to the aiming point. I find it's much easier to see and get results quickly by simply striking balls from the impact fix position first then do it the Brian talks about in his video after you get the hang of it.

The best grip to use is a neutral grip and learn how to use the neutral grip properly. Brian covers this superbly on his video. I learned some things about adjusting the grip that I never knew about before. You will have to watch the video to see what I'm talking about.

The club face could be fine at address and even at the top of the back swing but you could be opening it on the down swing. That's the one that is hard to realize you are doing. And thats where the twist away move comes in. Again, you might want to check out his video to get a better understanding of how to do this but essentially it involves twisting the left hand away from you in the back swing to some degree so that the back of the left hand feels like it might be pointing away from you. This will definitely close the club face at the top of the swing but you need to hold it in there all the way through the shot. This requires lagging the sweet spot, not the hassle (see video).

Watching Brains video will clear everything up for you.

If you chickenwing you are either dropping your swing center (dipping on the downswing usually), or have your left shoulder too low at impact.......


Big Man

I've been on this site for about a year now and it has helped me tremendously. There's probably hundreds of things you could work on, but my suggestion would be these big 4 in this order:

First purchase NSA, then work on:
1. Using NSA to understand and fix your clubface issues
2. Learn clubhead lag, how to sustain it, PP#3 etc.
3. Learn to get axis tilt and maintain it
4. Learn how to properly swivel/release the club

All of Brian's video's are a great value and explain these concepts in detail. Sure I still struggle with a clubface that's too open from time to time, throwaway, bad pivots, and a poor release (nothing wedding ring up can't handle) but it's golf and it's not easy. Good luck.
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